Joseph Weyers
Professor Emeritus of Spanish
Dr. Joseph Weyers worked in the Hispanic Studies Department for nearly 30 years until his passing. He started teaching Spanish at the college in 1995.
The University of New Mexico, Ph.D. in Romance Linguistics, 1995
The University of New Mexico, M.A. in Latin American Studies, 1991
Allegheny College, B.A. in Spanish & Latin American Studies, 1987
Research Interests
Hispanic sociolinguistics; Forms of Address in Spanish; Linguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking world; teaching methodology; and oral proficiency.
Courses Taught
SPAN 314 Spanish Conversation
SPAN 333: México lindo y querido
SPAN 344 Advanced Grammar & Lexicon
SPAN 350 Intensive Conversation & Composition
SPAN 381 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 382 Speaking Strategies
SPAN 383 Spanish Around the World
SPAN 446 History of the Spanish Language
SPAN 448 Spanish Sociolinguistics
SPAN 450 Spanish in the US
SPAN 491 Special Topic: El español de Colombia
SPAN 495 UNESCO World Heritage in the Spanish-speaking World
SPAN 682 Spanish Oral Proficiency
HISP 252 Spanish as a Global Language
HONS 390 Postcards from Mexico
Weyers, Joseph R. 2022. "Attitudes toward ustedeo, tuteo, and voseo in Medellín: A test case for written domains". Hispanic Studies Review 6.1, https://hispanicstudiesreview.cofc.edu/article/32673
Weyers, Joseph R. 2021. "Vos and tú in the linguistic landscape: Attitudes toward their use in Medellín, Colombia". Spanish in Context 18.2: 218-238.
Weyers, Joseph R. 2021. "Linguistic attitudes among Antioquian (Colombia) teachers: Vos and its role in education". Hispania 104.1: 103-117.
Weyers, Joseph R. 2020. "A tale of three languages: Spanish, Guaraní, and English in Asunción, Paraguay". Southern Journal of Linguistics 44.2: 98-119.
Weyers, Joseph R. 2020. "El caso excepcional del guaraní paraguayo". CuéntELE (Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia), https://issuu.com/cuentele/docs/revista_cuentele_6
Weyers, Joseph R. 2018. "Quechua in the linguistic landscape of Cusco, Peru: Showcasing culture and boosting pride". Southern Journal of Linguistics 42.2: 60-76.
Weyers, Joseph R. 2017. "Beer, hot dogs, and politics: The vocative function of Medellín's voseo". Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 95.5: 475-489.
Weyers, Joseph R. 2016. "Medellín Cuenta con vos: The changing role of voseo in written communication". Comunicación (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia) 35: 67-81
Weyers, Joseph R. 2016. "Making the case for increased prestige of the vernacular: Medellín's voseo". In Forms of address in the Spanish-speaking world, ed. by María Irene Moyna & Susana Rivera. New York: John Benjamins, p. 287-302.
Weyers, Joseph R. 2016. "The tuteo of Rocha, Uruguay: Is it as stable as it seems?" In Spanish-language and sociolinguistic analysis, ed. by Sandro Sessarego & Fernando Tejedo. New York: John Benjamins, p. 305-321.
Honors and Awards
2021 ExCel Outstanding Faculty Member in LCWA
2014 ExCel Outstanding Faculty Member in LCWA
2011 Honorary Member, Sigma Delta Pi
2008 Global Scholar