Luci Moreira
Associate Professor of Portuguese, Spanish, and LACS
University of Illinois
Ph.D Portuguese and Applied Linguistics
Certificate in SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education).
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dissertation: “On Listening Comprehension: Linguistic Strategies Used by Second Language Learners in Non-Collaborative Discourse.” Director: Dr. Bill VanPatten.
ABD: Linguistics and Philology. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
M.A.: Linguistics. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil.
B.A.: Double major in Portuguese and English Languages and Literatures. Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Certified Elementary, Middle, and High School teacher.
Research Interests
My research interests are related to the Portuguese language and Cultural Studies. My expertise is in the area of second language acquisition and teaching theories, with the publication of several articles, and a textbook used by most universities in the US because of its approach and unique teaching features considered a hallmark in the teaching of Portuguese in both Brazilian and European Portuguese variants in the US. I also have a passion on the language teaching and acquisition in the immersion context, having directed the prestigious Portuguese School (Middlebury College) for fifteen years. In terms of Cultural Studies, I combine the representation of language and cultural identity in African Brazilian and Indigenous Brazilian authors and films.
Courses Taught
Portuguese: All levels (Portuguese 101-202, 291, 313, 314, 390, 498)
Literature in Translation of Portuguese: LTPO 250, 270, 280
Latin American and Caribbean Studies: LACS 101, 400
Linguistics: Ling 101
Spanish: Span 190, 200 and 201
Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language. 2nd edition. Textbook for first year of Portuguese. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson. January. Co-author with Clemence Jouet-Pastré, et al. (2012 2nd. Edition; 2007 1st edition). Complete set: Student Activities Manual (SAM)—hard copy and on-line version: myPortugueselab, Answer key, Testing bank, Instructor’s Resource Manual. http://wps.prenhall.com/ml_ponto_de_encontro_2e/
“Modalidades de Imersão em Português nos Estados Unidos, do Ensino Fundamental ao Universitário”. Conexões: O Ensino de Português nos Estados Unidos. Kleber Aparecido da Silva e Eduardo Viana da Silva (eds.). Mercado de Letras e-book: November 2022. https://www.mercado-de-letras.com.br/livro-mway.php?codid=780
2014 “Tempo histórico, espaço e resistência no corpo da linguagem poética de Costa Andrade” Revista de Língua & Literatura, URI. 16.26(2014)9-29.
2014 “Compartilhando universos sociais e de poder em Cerimônia do Chá”. Co-author with Mércia Flannery (University of Pennsylvania). Revista de Estudos da Linguagem. UFMG. 22.2(2014)171-193.
2012 “Costa Andrade (Wayovoka André)”. Dictionary of Literary Biography (African Lusophone Writers). Edited by Monica Rector and Richard Vernon. Columbia, SC: Bruccoli Clark Layman (Cengale). 367(2012): 42-48
2011 “Ensino de português como L2 através de imersão: Algumas considerações”. Hispania. 94.3 (2011):514-528.
2016 “Conceição Evaristo.” Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Literature. Oxford University Press. Editor: Franklin W. Knight and Henry L. Gates Jr. May 2016, Vol 2, pp.481-482. <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/dictionary-of-caribbean-and-afro-latin-american-biography9780199935796?q=DCALAB&lang=en&cc=us
2016 “Hermes Fontes.” Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Literature. Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press. Editor: Franklin W. Knight and Henry L. Gates Jr. May 2, May 2016, Vol. 3, pp.39-40. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/dictionary-of-caribbean-and-afro-latin-american-biography-9780199935796?q=DCALAB&lang=en&cc=
Honors and Awards
AATSP – Lifetime Achievement Award – 105th AATSP Annual Conference – Salamanca, 2023.
ExCEL Award Nomination. ExCEL - Excellence in Collegiate Education and Leadership Award (2017, 2014, 2011)
Brazilian International Press Awards 2013, with the book Ponto de Encontro (Education Award for teaching and promotion of Portuguese Language in the U.S., as best book in the teaching of Portuguese in the U.S.; Miami, Florida). 2013.
2010 XIII Annual Brazilian International Press Award. Category: “Outstanding Work in Teaching Portuguese in your Community.” Miami, Florida. 2010.