Colleen Moorman
Instructor of Spanish and Linguistics
- B.A. in Spanish, Georgetown University
- M.S. in Spanish Linguistics, Georgetown University
- Ph.D. in Spanish Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University
Research Interests
My research interests span the fields of second language acquisition and phonetics and phonology. My research explores the acquisition and development of second language (L2) phonetics and phonology, as well as the connection between perception and production of L2 sounds. I am also interested in the role of individual differences, such as working memory, phonological short-term memory, motivation, and language aptitude in second language learners’ phonological development and how these factors affect the developmental trajectories of second language learners.
I also enjoy working with students to develop their own research projects through Bachelors’ Essays and Independent Studies. Currently, I am working with a student to investigate variation in heritage learners’ production of Spanish within interactions with L1 and L2 speakers. Other recent student-led studies explored the development of perception of prosodic stress (word stress) among learners of Spanish; and the acquisition of the various uses of the subjunctive among learners of Spanish, respectively.
Courses Taught
SPAN-102 Beginning Spanish through Culture II
SPAN-190 Elementary Spanish through Culture I
SPAN-201 Beginning Spanish through Culture III
SPAN-202 Intermediate Spanish through Culture
SPAN-344 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Lexicon
SPAN-381 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
SPAN-445 Introduction to Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
SPAN-681 Spanish Linguistics for Language Teachers
LING-125 Introduction to Linguistics
LING-210 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
FYSE-120 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism throughout the World
Selected Publications
Moorman, C. with C. Sanz, A. Morales-Front, & L. Plonsky (in preparation). Individual differences and phonological development in L2 Spanish vowels.
Sakai, M., & Moorman, C. (2018). Can perception training improve the production of second language phonemes? A meta-analytic review of 25 years of perception training research. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(1), 187-224.
Nagle, C. L., Morales-Front, A., Moorman, C., & Sanz, C. (2016). Disentangling research on study abroad and pronunciation: Methodological and programmatic considerations. In D. M. Velliaris & D. Coleman-George, (Eds.), Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility (pp. 673-695). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Leow, R.P., Grey, S., Marijuan, M., & Moorman, C. (2014). Concurrent data elicitation procedures, processes, and the early stages of L2 learning: A critical overview. Second Language Research, 30(2), 111-127.