Elizabeth A. Martínez-Gibson
Professor Emerita of Spanish and Linguistics
The University at Albany, SUNY. Albany, NY
Ph.D, 1991
Specialization: Spanish and General Linguistics
The State University of New York at Albany. Albany, NY
M.A., 1983
Specialization: Hispanic Literature
Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales (renamed De Sales University). Center Valley, PA
B.A., 1980
Major: French Language and Literature
National Certification of Medical Interpreters
CMI: Spanish. 2013-2028
Research Interests
Linguistic landscape
Dialects of Spanish and English
Spanish Phonetics
Phonology, Morphology and Syntax
Spanish in the U.S.
Language contact
Courses Taught
SPAN 101-102, 150, 201-202, 250: Beginning and Intermediate Spanish; SPAN 275: Spanish Skills Review; SPAN 313, 314 and 350: Spanish Composition and Conversation; SPAN 316: Medical Spanish; SPAN 324: Civilization and Culture of Spain; SPAN 329: Current Issues Abroad (Spain); SPAN 344: Advanced Spanish Grammar; SPAN 381: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics; SPAN 390: Advanced Spanish Grammar in a Study Abroad Context; SPAN 401: Internship; SPAN 443: Spanish Morphology and Syntax; SPAN 444: Advanced Grammar and Syntax; SPAN 445: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology; SPAN 446: History of the Spanish Language; SPAN 447/491: Spanish Dialectology, SPAN 496: Directed Readings in Spanish (Spanish Morphology and Syntax), SPAN 498: Independent Studies ("Dialectal Variation of Spanish" and "La lengua española a través de la historia"); and SPAN 499: Bachelors Essays: "Dialectal Variations of the Spanish Language", "Las variaciones dialectales" and "Medical Interpreting".
LING 125/290: Introduction to Language and Linguistics; LING 290: American English Dialects; LING 499: Bachelors Essay: "Language Attitudes in the U.S."
Honors College
HONS 391: Language Variation of American English and HISP 499: Bachelors Essay: "Medical Interpreting in the Lowcountry."
HONS 398: "Beyond George Street: An Interdisciplinary Encounter with the City of Charleston: The Dialects of Charleston" (one class)
Guest Lecture
EUST 499: "An Introduction to Linguistic Landscape"
SPAN 590: Special Topics in Spanish: "Spanish Grammar and Syntax" and "Comparative Systems: Spanish and English")
LALE 690: Special Topics in Linguistics: "Varieties of American English"
Martínez, Elizabeth A. (1993). Morpho-Syntactic Erosion Between Two Generational Groups of Spanish Speakers in the United States. New York: Peter Lang.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (Fall 2018). “Por la Calle de Alcalá: The Languages Used in Storefront Signs along Madrid’s Longest Street.” The Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference Review, 18 (Fall 2016-2017), 107-131.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (July 2016). “Language contact: A study of the Spanish in two Spanish-language presses in Charleston, South Carolina.” Journal of Language Contact, 9 (2), 331-368.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (Fall 2014). “Linguistic landscape: English in Spain’s store fronts.” Southern Journal of Linguistics, 38 (2), 123-149.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (January 2011). “A Comparative Study on Gender Agreement Errors in the Spoken Spanish of Heritage Speakers and Second Language Learners.” Porta Linguarum, 15, 177-193.
Martínez-Gibson, E. A., Silvia Rodríguez-Sabater, Carol M. Toris, and Joseph R. Weyers. (2010). “To Be: A Study of Ser and Estar in Second Language Learners of Spanish. Southern Journal of Linguistics, 30 (1), 52-77.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A., and Tracy E. Gibson. (Fall 2007). “Addressing Language Access in Health Care.” Hispanic Health Care International, 5 (3), 116-123.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A., Concepción Godev, and Carol M. Toris. (Spring 2002). “Foreign Language Reading Comprehension Testing: L1 versus L2 in Open-ended Questions.” Foreign Language Annals, 35 (2), 202-221.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. and Joseph R. Weyers. (Fall 2000 not printed until Fall 2001). “Linguistics and Liberal Arts: A Logical Linking of Disciplines.” Southern Journal on Linguistics, XXIV (2), 192-203.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (Spring 1998). “A Study on Cultural Awareness through Commercials and Writing.” Foreign Language Annals, 31 (1), 115-139.
Martínez, E.A. and C.B. de Godev. (1996). “Should Reading Comprehension be Tested in the Target or in the Native Language? A Pilot Study.” ERIC, ED 398 288. Arlington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Martínez, Elizabeth A. (1995). “Syntactic Variation of Spanish in the United States.” ERIC, ED 379 924. Arlington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Book Chapters:
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (2012). “What’s Gullah?” The Five Minute Linguist: Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages. Second edition. Ed. E. M. Rickerson and Barry Hilton. London: Equinox Publishing. Chapter 43, 191-195.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (2006). “What’s Gullah?” The Five Minute Linguist: Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages. First edition. Ed. E. M. Rickerson and Barry Hilton. London: Equinox Publishing. Chapter 40, 175-178.
Peer-Reviewed Book Reviews:
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (July 2005). “Review of Americanisms: The English of the New World by Maximilian Schele De Vere.” Linguist List.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. (June 2001). “Review of Variation and Change in Spanish by Ralph Penny.” Linguist List.
Martínez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. and Silvia Rodríguez-Sabater. (2004). trans. and back trans. OPTION: Observing Patient Involvement by Glen Elwyn.