Christina García
Associate Professor of Spanish
University of California, Irvine
Ph.D., Spanish and Portuguese, 2018
New York University
M.A., Humanities and Social Thought, 2009
Florida International University
B.A., English and Art History, 2004
Research Interests
Christina García is Assistant Professor at the department of Hispanic Studies and affiliate faculty in the African American Studies, Women and Gender Studies, and Latin American & Caribbean Studies programs. Her research looks at both literary and visual works from the Hispanophone Caribbean and draws from Ecofeminists, Posthumanisms, and Critical Race Studies. She considers how particular aesthetic techniques can solicit alternative ways of imagining the physical body and its environment. Recently, she’s focused on the work of contemporary writers and artists from Cuba who draw our attention to the shared materiality of what we often think of as different kinds of bodies; and, in so doing, undermine dominant models of national subjectivity and belonging, inviting more expansive and ecological forms of thought and practice.
Courses Taught
LACS 200. Special Topics. Talking Trash and Wasting Time: A Caribbean Ecology.
LTSP 250. Literature in Translation. Queer Black and Nonhuman Narratives of Latin America
SPAN 366. Selection of Spanish American Texts. Friends with Benefits
SPAN 490. Special Topics in Hispanic Literature: Cannibal Readers in Latina America
SPAN 630 Seminar in Hispanic Studies: Sea Anemone, Roach-men, and Hurricanes in Latin America
Corporeal Readings of Cuban Art and Literature: The Body, the Inhuman, and Ecological Thinking. University Press of Florida. Published, May 2024.
Journal Articles
“Lectores de mente, olfatos de perro y perspectivas sobrehumanas: Hacer que importe lo imperceptible en Nombres y animals.” Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana, 51.1, May 2022.
“Of Souls, Skins and Leopard Prints: Queer and Animal Creations of Cubanbeings.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 55.3, October 2021.
“Baroque Revolutionaries, Communist Fags and Risky Friendships: Reading the Politics of Friendship in Fresa y chocolate.” Cuban Studies 47, January 2019.
“The Ethics of Botched Taxidermy.” Antennae: the Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, Issue 7, Autumn 2008.
Book Chapters
“Incorrect and Beautiful Anatomies: Becomings, Immanence, and Transspecies Bodies in the Art of Roberto Fabelo.” Re-Encountering Animal Bodies. Eds. Matthew Calarco and Dominik Ohrem. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, August 2018.
“Among the Ruins of Ecological Thought: Parasites, Roaches, and Nuclear Imaginings in La fiesta vigilada.” An Island in the Stream: Ecocritical and Literary Responses to Cuban Environmental Culture. Eds. David Taylor, Armando Fernandez, and Scott Slovic. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, July 2019.
Public Scholarship
“The Off-Havana Thriving Art Scene” Cuba Counterpoints, April 2017, Arts Section
“Surfaces, Skins, and Secrets: Belkis Ayón in L.A.” Cuba Counterpoints, November 2016, Arts Section
“Corporeal Readings of Cuban Literature and Art: The Body, the Inhuman, and Ecological Art,” Christina M. García, hosted by Tatiana Klepikova for the New Books Network podcast, recorded June 28, 2024.