Idee Winfield Headshot

Idee Winfield

Profess Emerita of Sociology


  • Ph.D., Sociology, Duke University
  • M.A., Sociology, Duke University
  • B.A., Sociology (with highest honors), Pennsylvania State University

Research Interests

  • Gender Inequality
  • Economic Sociology
  • Organizations
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Sociology
  • Social Stratification

Courses Taught

  • SOCY 101:  Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCY 109:  Sociology of Food
  • SOCY 271:  Introduction to Social Research
  • SOCY 272:  Making Sense of Sociological Data
  • SOCY 364:  Gender and Society

Honors and Awards

  • Phi Beta Kappa
  • Phi Kappa Phi
  • In Praise of Teaching, Innovative Use of Technology in Teaching, College of Charleston