paul roof headshot

Paul Roof

Adjunct Professor of Sociology


  • Ph.D., Sociology, University of South Carolina
    Dissertation:  "Women's Adult Welfare Recipiency:  The Impact of Race, Family Structure, Individual Characteristics, and Social Structural Location."
  • Certificate, Demography and Geodemography, University of Amsterdam and Charles University
  • M.A., Sociology, Appalachian State University
  • B.S., Sociology, Presbyterian College

Research Interests 

  • Gender
  • Urbanization
  • Demography/Demography of Aging 
  • Popular Culture
  • Teaching Sociology
  • Globalization
  • Research Methods
  • Media/Communications

Courses Taught 

  • SOCY 101:  Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCY 359:  Special Topics - Popular Culture
  • FYSE 135:   First Year Experience American Popular Culture

Honors and Awards

  • Art Magazine’s Most Eccentric Charlestonian, 2014
  • Semifinalist for Outstanding Faculty Member, 2012
  • Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award, 2006
  • Adopted Faculty for Residence Life at College of Charleston, 2002

Selected Publications 


  • (In progress)     Paul D. Roof and Karin W. Roof.  “Patriotic Songs Post 9.11: The Power of Ear Candy.”    
  • (In progress)     Paul D. Roof.  “Teaching the Zimbardo Prison Experiment.” 
  • 2015      The Beer Can Professor: An Autoethnography presented at Southern Sociological Society Meetings March 2015 in New Orleans, Louisiana .
  • 2014      Presented at Creative Mornings , “Crossover”, College of Charleston Halsey Art Gallery. 
  • 2012      Presented at Pecha Kucha & Charleston Parliament , “How to Transform Your Life & Your Community”, College of Charleston Cistern Yard. 
  • 2012      Presented for Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), “Does Music Influence Society or Does Society Influence Musice?” – CSU Faculty & Student Debate. 
  • 2012      Presented at BeardCon, “Historical Significance of Beards”, panel discussion in Columbus, Ohio
  • 2011      Principles of Sociology “Sex & Gender” lecture filmed by Junius Wright (English Teacher), North Charleston Academic Magnet High School for the Sage Series: The Bearded Sociologist on Youtube.
  • 2011      “A Survey of Veterinarians in the US: Euthanasia and Other End-of-Life Issues” co-authored with Dr. George Dickinson & Dr. Karin Roof of College of Charleston, in Anthrozoos, pg. 167-174.
  • 2010     “End-of-Life in U.S. Veterinary Schools and Veterinarians”, co-authored with Dr. George Dickinson & Dr. Karin Roof of College of Charleston, published in Society and Animals 18 pg. 152-162.