Katherin Johnson

Katherine Johnson

Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology

Pronouns:  she/her/hers


  • PhD Sociology, North Carolina State University
  • MA Interdisciplinary Studies, George Mason University
  • BS Mass Communications, Virginia Commonwealth University

Research Interests

  • multiracial people and families
  • racial socialization
  • interracial relationships
  • Intersectionality
  • qualitative methods

 Courses Taught

  • SOCY 102 Contemporary Social Issues
  • SOCY 271 Introduction to Social Research
  • Sociology of Family, Race in America

Selected Publications

  • Johnson, Katherine. 2024. “Rejecting Multiracial Stereotypes: Parental Socialization Practices at the Intersection of Race and Gender.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. doi: 10.1177/23326492241264219.
  • Johnson, Katherine. 2024. “The Multiracial Family as an Anomaly: Experiences of Monoracism.” Journal of Marriage and Family 86(4):946–64. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12995.
  • Johnson, Katherine. 2024. “Navigating the Hypervisibility and Invisibility of Mixed-Race Families.” Contexts 23(2), 18–23.
  • Johnson, Katherine and Kim Ebert. Forthcoming. “‘A Future for White Children’: Examining Family Ideologies of White Extremist Groups at the Intersection of Race and Gender.” (Accepted at Social Currents)

Press & Media
