heath hoffmann headshot

Heath Hoffmann

Professor of Sociology


  • ​​Ph.D., Sociology, The University of Georgia
    Dissertation: "Communal Individualism: Managing Conflict in Alcoholics Anonymous"
  • M.A., Sociology, The University of Georgia
    Thesis: "Institutional Legitimacy and the Production of a ‘Bureaucratic Incident’: A University’s Response to a Heroin-using Professor"
  • B.A., Sociology and Psychology, Western Washington University

Research Interests

  • Prison and Prisoners
  • Crime and Deviance
  • Alcohol and Drug Use

Courses Taught 

  • CRLS: 200 Special Topics in Crime, Law and Society, War on Drugs: Causes Consequences and Alternatives
  • FYSM 162: First Year Seminar, Altered States: Alcohol and Drug Use in American Culture
  • SOCY 101: Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCY 102: Contemporary Social issues
  • SOCY 109: Altered States: A Culture of Alcohol and Drug Use
  • SOCY 271: Introduction to Social Research
  • SOCY 341: Criminology
  • SOCY 342: Juvenile Delinquency
  • SOCY 349: Prison and Prisoners
  • SOCY 348: Sociology of Alcohol and Drugs (formerly Substance Abuse and Society)
  • SOCY 390: Senior Seminar, Culture of College Drinking and Drug Use
  • SOCY 491: Capstone

Honors and Awards

Honorary Inductee, College of Charleston Golden Key International Honour Society

Who's Who Among American Teachers

Selected Publications

  • Hoffmann, Heath C. and George E. Dickinson. 2011. “Characteristics of Prison Hospice Programs in the United States.” American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 28: 245-252.
  • Hoffmann, Heath C., Amy L. Byrd Alex M. Kightlinger. 2010. “Prison Programs and Services for Incarcerated Parents and Their Underage Children: Results from a National Survey of Correctional Facilities” The Prison Journal 90(4): 397-416.
  • George E. Dickinson and Heath C. Hoffmann. 2010. “State Policies Regarding Roadside Memorials” Mortality 15 2: 154-167.
  • Hoffmann, Heath C., George E. Dickinson, and Chelsea Dunn. 2007. “State Facilities for Women and Men: A Comparison of Communication and Visitation Policies.” Corrections Compendium 32 1: 1-4, 25-26.
  • Hoffmann, Heath C, George E. Dickinson and Chelsea Dunn. 2007. “Changes in Prison Communication Policies: 1971-2005.” Criminal Justice Review 32 1: 1-18.
  • Hoffmann, Heath C. 2006. “Criticism as Deviance and Social Control in Alcoholics Anonymous.” The Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 35 6: 669-695.
  • Hoffmann, Heath C. 2003. “Recovery Careers of People in Alcoholics Anonymous: Moral Careers Revisited.” Contemporary Drug Problems 30 (Fall): 647-683.
  • George E. Dickinson and Heath C. Hoffmann. 2013. “Roadside Memorials: A 21st Century Development.” Pp. 227-252 in Our Changing Journey to the End: Reshaping Death, Dying, and Grief in America, edited by Christina Staudt and J. Harold Ellens. New York: Praeger Publishers.
  • MacDonald, Dennis, Steve Barkan, Kimberly Cook, Sally Hillsman, Heath Hoffmann, Jodie Lawston, Michael Lewis, Marc Riedel, Mary Romero, Prabha Unnithan, Margaret Weigers Vitullo and Saundra Westervelt (alphabetical after Chair of Task Force). 2010. Report of the ASA Task Force on Sociology and Criminology Programs. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.
  • Hoffmann, Heath C. (contributor). 2005. Teaching the Sociology of Alcohol and Drugs: Syllabi and Course Materials. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.