Maureen Hays
Department Chair and Professor of Anthropology
- Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Dissertation: "A Functional Analysis of the Magdalenian Lithic Assemblage from Grotte XVI (Dordogne, France)" - M.A., University of Tennessee
Thesis: "A Functional Analysis of the Lithic Material from Burrone Scierra I (Calabria, Italy)" - B.A., Anthropology, Vassar College
Research Interests
- Old World Archaeology
- Prehistoric Art and Archaeological Methods
- Prehistoric Hunters and Gatherers
- Microscopic Lithic Usewear Analysis
- St. Paul's Church and Parsonage
Courses Taught
- 101 Introduction to Anthropology
- 202 Archaeology
- 303 Paleolithic Archaeology
- 304 Rise of Complex Civilization
- 305 Prehistoric Ritual and Art
- 491 Research Methods
- 493 Field School in Archaeology
Selected Publications
- 2020 Pyszka, K. and M. Hays Stono Preserve’s Changing Landscape. Lowcountry Digital History Initiative. http://ldhi.library.cofc.edu/exhibits/show/stono-preserves-landscape
- 2020 Shreve, N., J. Franklin, E. Ernenwein, M. Hays, I. Patania An Arc of Interaction, a Flow of People, and Emergent Identity: Early Contact Period Archaeology and Early European Interactions in the Middle Nolichucky Valley of Upper East Tennessee. In Contact, Colonialism, and Native Communities in the Southeastern United States, edited by Edmond A. Boudreaux, Maureen S. Meyers, and Jay K. Johnson, University of Florida Press, pp. 140-155.
- 2019 Surmely, F, S. Costamagno, J. Franklin, R. Angevin, F. Chevrier, S. Madeleine, M. Hays Circulation à longue distance des matières premières lithiques et des objets de parure au Magdalénien moyen en Auvergne: exemple du site d’Enval-Moliard (Vic-leComte, Puy-de-Dôme). In La conquête de la montagne: des premières occupations humaines à l’anthropisation du milieu, edited by Marianne DesChamps, Sandrine Costamagno, Pierre-Yves Milcent, Jean-Marc Petillon, Caroline Renard, Nicolas Valdeyron, Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifique, pp.1-23.
- 2017 Surmely, F., S. Costamagno, J. Franklin, M. Hays, in collaboration with F. Chevrier, S. Madeleine, G. Vernet and I. Patania Découverte d’un nouveau gisement du Magdalénien moyen à Enval (Vic-le-Comte, Puy-de-Dôme). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 114:173-176.
- 2017 Pyszka, K., and M. Hays People, Places and Transport: St. Paul’s Parish Then and Now. Southern Anthropologist 37: 1-25.
- 2017 Pyszka, K., K. McNabb, and M. Hays Small, but Convenient?: An Update on the St. Paul’s Parsonage, Hollywood, South Carolina, U.S.A. Journal of the Society for Church Archaeology 18: 39-50.
- 2016 Pyszka, K., and M. Hays Dixie Plantation’s Rising Tide: A History of Saint Paul’s Parish in Microcosm. South Carolina Historical Magazine 117: 30-61.
- 2016 Franklin, J., M. Hays, F. Surmely, I. Patania, L. Langston and T. Bow A Preliminary Report on the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeology of Rock Creek Mortar Shelter, Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 8:62-80.
- 2013 Dennison, M., J. Franklin, M. Hays, and S. Dean Linville Cave (40SL24) Revisited: Multiple Lines of Evidence to Address Assemblage Formation, Tennessee Archaeology 7: 18-41.
- 2013 Franklin, J., M Dennison, M. Hays, J. Navel, A. Dye The Early and Middle Woodland of the Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee. In Early and Middle Woodland Landscapes of the Southeast, edited by Alice P. Wright and Edward R. Henry pp. 71-88.