sarah hatteberg headshot

Sarah Hatteberg

Associate Professor of Sociology


  • Ph.D., Sociology, Indiana University
    Dissertation: "Institutional Stress and Compromised Social Support in Collegiate Athletics: The Student-Athlete Experience.”
  • M.A., Sociology, Indiana University
  • B.A., Sociology & Anthropology, Economics, Lake Forest College


  •  Social Psychology
  •  Stress, Coping, and Social Support
  •  Sociology of Mental Health/Illness
  •  Sociology of Sport
  •  Medical Sociology
  •  Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Courses Taught 

  • SOCY 105/109: Special Topics- Sociology of Sport
  • SOCY 272: Making Sense of Sociological Data
  • SOCY 320/349: Sociology of Mental Health and Illness (Special Topics)
  • SOCY 382: Research Apprenticeship
  • SOCY 383: Academic Apprenticeship
  • SOCY 490: Independent Study
  • SOCY 499: Bachelor’s Essay


  • Hatteberg, Sarah J., Christy Kollath-Cattano, Duncan Weller*, and Anne Scully*. Forthcoming.
    “Encountering Overdose: Examining the Prevalence and Social Contexts of US College
    Students’ Overdose Experiences.” Substance Use and Misuse.
  • Hatteberg, Sarah J. 2022. “Responding Sociologically: Using Attributional Processes to
    Promote Student Confidence and Sense of Mastery in Sociology Courses.” Teaching
    Sociology 50(3):205-219.
  • Hatteberg, Sarah J. and Christy Kollath-Cattano. 2022. “Applying the Health Belief Model to
    Examine College Students’ Early Stage Adoption of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in
    Response to COVID-19.” Journal of American College Health: 1-6.
  • Hatteberg, Sarah J. 2021. “A Tale of Many Sources: The Perceived Benefits of Similar Other,
    Significant Other, and Similar-Significant Other Social Support.” Sociological Perspectives
  • Hatteberg, Sarah J. 2020. “‘There’s no way I can do all of this’: The Perceived Impacts of Stress
    Exposure on the Academic Development of Collegiate Athletes.” Journal of Issues in
    Intercollegiate Athletics, Special Issue:7-28.
    Kollath-Cattano, Christy L., Sarah J. Hatteberg, and Anna Kooper. 2020. “Illicit Drug Use
    among College Students: The Role of Social Norms and Risk Perceptions.” Addictive
    Behaviors 105.
  • Hatteberg, Sarah J. 2020. “Collegiate Athletes’ Use and Perceptions of Institutional Sources of
    Support for Role-Related Stressors.” Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics Special
  • Hatteberg, Sarah J.  2018. “Under Surveillance: Collegiate Athletics as a Total
    Institution.” Sociology of Sport Journal 35(2):149-158.
    Lee, Jennifer C. and Sarah J. Hatteberg. 2015. “Bilingualism and Status Attainment Among
    Latinos.” The Sociological Quarterly 56(4)695-722.
  • Hatteberg, Sarah J. 2014. "Stress, Coping, and Social Support Processes" In The Wiley-Blackwell
    Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society, edited by William C. Cockerham, Robert
    Dingwall, and Stella Quah. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Hatteberg, Sarah J. and Kody Steffy. 2013. "Increasing Reading Compliance of Undergraduates
    an Evaluation of Compliance Methods." Teaching Sociology 41(4):346-52.