Joanna Gilmore

Adjunct Professor of Anthropology


  • M.A. Museum Studies - University of Leicester, U.K.
  • M.Sc. Palaeoecology of Human Societies, University College London, U.K.
  • B.A. Archaeology, University College London, U.K.

Research Interests

  • Hidden histories, especially related to African descendant lives and burial grounds
  • Community archaeology
  • Museum interpretation and exhibition

Courses Taught

  • ANTH 347: Museum Studies
  • ANTH 309: Bioarchaeology


  • Gilmore, J. K. 2021. Weaving Richer Narratives of African Descendant Lives: Community Engagement, Historical Archaeology, Genetic Research and Public Education.  American Anthropological Association Conference Presentation in Baltimore, MD, Nov 18-21, 2021. 
  • Fleskes, RE, Ofunniyin, AA, Gilmore, JK, et al. 2021. Ancestry, health, and lived experiences of enslaved Africans in 18th century Charleston: An osteobiographical analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropolology; 175: 324.
  • Gilmore, J.K. 2018. Monumental Decisions: Community Engagement, Identity and Memory. Presentation at the Moving Monuments: History, Memory and the Politics of Public Sculpture Conference at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester Centre for Public History and Heritage, U.K., April 20-21, 2018.
  • Gilmore, J. K. 2014. The Archaeology of Hospitals and Leprosaria in the Colonial Caribbean. In The Encyclopaedia of Caribbean Archaeology (Reid, B. and Gilmore, R.G. Eds.) University Press of Florida: Gainesville.
  • Gilmore, J.K. 2008, Leprosy at the Lazaretto on St Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 18: 72-84.