Von Bakanic

Associate Professor of Sociology


Ph.D., Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation: "Tracing Social Science: The Manuscript Review Process"

M.A., Sociology, University of South Carolina

B.A., University of South Carolina

Research Interests 

  • Prejudice
  • Gender
  • Social Psychology
  • Science, Technology and Social Change

Courses Taught

  • SOCY 103:  Sociology of the Family
  • SOCY 271:  Introduction to Social Research
  • SOCY 272:  Making Sense of Sociological Data
  • SOCY 337:  Prejudice
  • SOCY 369:  African American Society and Culture
  • SOCY 379:  Content Analysis


Peer Reviewed Publications

  • Lawyer, S. R., Bakanic, V., Burkett, T., Resnick, H. S & Kilpatrick, D. G. “Forcible, drug-facilitated, and incapacitated rape and sexual assault among undergraduate women.“  Journal of American College Health, 2010 Mar-Apr; 58(5):453-460.
  • Prejudice: Attitudes about Race, Class and Gender. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009.
  • Career Issues and Internet Solutions for Women in Science and Engineering: An Internet Survey, in Proceeding of the International IPSI 2004 - Prague.  ISBN 86-7466

Other Publications

  • Von Bakanic, “Little Ado about Something: The gender Climate at the College of Charleston”  Cheek Vol III, Spring:5-6, 2009
  • Von Bakanic, Janet Key, Carolyn Morales, Pam Niesslein and Karin Roof. “Campus Climate Survey Executive Report.” Strategic Diversity Management Council, College of Charleston, 2007
  • Von Bakanic, Janet Key, Carolyn Morales, Pam Niesslein and Karin Roof “Campus Climate Survey 2006 Summary Report.”, Strategic Diversity Management Council, College of Charleston, 2007
  • AFeminist theories in David Knox Choices in Relationships 8th edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.(Pg. 21-22), 2004
  • Von Bakanic. APlanned Parenthood Federation of America@ in Judy Baer (Ed.) The Historical and Multi Cultural Encyclopedia of Female Reproductive Rights in the United States. Austin, TX: Greenwood Press. (Pp 156-159), 2002
  • “Pregnancy Discrimination Act" in Historical and Multi-Cultural Encyclopedia of Women’s Rights in the United States. Judith A. Baer (ed.) Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002