debbie auriffeille headshot

Debbie Auriffeille

Associate Department Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology


Ph.D., Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University
Dissertation: "The Color of Green: Lessons Learned from the Developing Relationship between Philanthropic Foundations and the Environmental Justice Movement"

M.U.A., Urban Affairs and Planning (Environmental Policy Concentration), Virginia Tech

B.S., Psychology, Virginia Tech

Research interests

  • Environmental Sociology
  • Environmental Lifestyles
  • Alternative Transportation and Active Living
  • Community and Urban Sociology
  • Inequality
  • Qualitative Methods


Courses Taught

  • SOCY 101:  Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCY LC 101: Learning Community for Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCY 271:  Introduction to Social Research
  • SOCY 346:  Environmental Sociology
  • SOCY 351:  Urban Sociology
  • SOCY 390:  Senior Seminar (Qualitative Methods)
  • ENVT 395:  Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies
  • I also regularly teach Bachelor's Essays and Independent Study Courses

Honors and Awards

  • Bob Stuart Award For Excellence in Learning, 1993.
  • Tau Sigma Delta, The Architecture and Urban Studies Honors Society, 1993.
  • Urban Affairs and Planning Excellence in Learning Acknowledgement, 1992.

Selected Publications

Publications of Refereed Scholarly Books (Major Revisions and Updates of Edited Volumes)

  • King, L., and D. McCarthy Auriffeille, eds.  3rd Edition.  Environmental Sociology:  From Analysis to Action.  Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2013.  
  • King, L., and D. McCarthy, eds. 2nd Edition. Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2009.

Publications of Refereed Scholarly Books (Edited Volumes)

  • Faber, D., and D. McCarthy, eds. Foundations for Social Change: Critical Perspectives on Philanthropy and Popular Movements. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005.
  • King, L., and D. McCarthy, eds. Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005.

Publications of Refereed Journal Articles 

  • McCarthy, D. “’I’m a Normal Person’: An Examination of How Utility Cyclists in Charleston South Carolina Use an Insider/Outsider Framework to Make Sense of Risks.” Urban Studies. 48(7) (May): 1439-1456, 2011.
  • McCarthy, D. “Perceptions About and Use of a New Scenic Bridge Path among Walkers, Runners, and Cyclists in Lowcountry South Carolina.” Preventive Medicine. 51(1) (July): 94-95, 2011.
  • Halfacre-Hitchcock, A., D. McCarthy, T. Burkett, and A. Carvajal. “Latino Migrant Farmworkers in Lowcountry South Carolina: a Demographic Profile and an Examination of Pesticide Risk Perception and Protection in Two Pilot Case Studies." Human Organization 65(1) (Spring): 55-71, 2006.
  • McCarthy, D. "Environmental Justice Grantmaking: Elites and Activists Collaborate to Transform Philanthropy." Sociological Inquiry 74(2) (May): 250-270, 2004.
  • Faber, D., and D. McCarthy. "The Evolving Structure of the Environmental Justice Movement in the United States: New Models for Democratic Decision-Making." Social Justice Research 14(4): 405-421, 2001.