William Veal
- Ph.D., Science Education, University of Georgia
- M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Utah
- M.S., Organic Chemistry, University of Utah
- B.S., Chemistry, Trinity University
Research Interests
Dr. Veal's research interests focus on reform-based science education and its impact on preservice science teacher accreditation, student learning, and teacher implementation. A second strand of research involves the intersection of pedagogical content knowledge and creativity in science teaching and learning.
Courses Taught
- EDEE 323: The Development of Mathematical Thinking
- EDFS 326 Integrating Technology Into Teaching
- EDEE 327: Semester 1 Practicum
- EDEE 384: Middle School Practicum
- EDEE 468: Science Methods Grades 2-8
- EDEE 515 Middle School Organization and Curriculum
- EDEE 568: Elementary Science Methods
- EDEE 580/706: Special Topics in Education
- EDEE 384: Application of Curriculum & Instruction
- EDEE 417: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: Grades 5-8
- EDEE 641: Science for the Elementary School Teacher
- EDEE 685 Independent Study in Education
- EDEE 695: Field Experience III in Elementary Education
- EDFS 460: Clinical Practice
- EDFS 470 Independent Study
- EVSS 595: Special Topics
- EVSS 691 Thesis
- EVSS 693 Independent Study
- SMFT 670: Advance Methods in Science and Mathematics
- SMFT 690: Capstone Project Development
- SMFT 697 Special Topics
- SMFT 698 - Independent Study
- CHEM 101/L: General Chemistry
- CHEM 183: Science Outreach
Selected Publications
Mashoko, D. & Veal, W.R. (In Press). Implementing STEM policy in African Nations’ Teacher Education Programs: A Generalizable Case Study from Zimbabwe. In Al-Balushi, S.M. (Eds.), Reforming Science Teacher Education Programs in the STEM Era: International Practices.
Veal, W.R., Morrell, T., Park Rogers, M., Roehrig, G., & Pyle, E.J. (In Press). A perspective on drivers impacting science teacher preparation in developing countries. In Thomas, G.P. & Boon, H.J. (Eds.), Challenges in Science Education: Global Perspectives for the Future. Springer Nature: Switzerland.
Burner, C. & Veal, W.R. (2022). Growing seeds, minds, and community: A case study evaluation of the Green Thumb Project’s Youth Internship Program. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 18(4), e2300. https://doi.org/10.21601/ijese/12379.
Veal, W.R., Morrell, P., Park Rogers, M., Roehrig, G., & Pyle, E. (2022). Preparing Science Teachers Across the World. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 11(1), 137-157.
Veal, W.R., Buma, A., & Sibanda, D. (2022). Creativity in African Science Education. Long Paper accepted for the Proceedings of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education 2022 conference.
Morrell, P., Park Rogers, M., Pyle, E., Roehrig, G.H., & Veal. W.R. (2020). Preparing Teachers of Science for 2020 and Beyond: Highlighting Changes to the NSTA/ASTE Standards for Science Teacher Preparation. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 31(1). 1-7. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/1046560X.2019.1705536.
Morrell, P., D., Park Rogers, M., Pyle, E. J., Roehrig, G., & Veal, W. (September 26, 2019). Preparing our next generation of science teachers: What should a science teacher know and be able to do? AAAS: Advancing Research & Innovation in the STEM Education of Preservice Teacher in High-Need School Districts (ARISE) program. Available online: https://aaas-arise.org/2019/09/25/preparing-our-next-generation-of-science-teachers-what-should-a-science-teacher-know-and-be-able-to-do/
Veal, W.R., Malone, K.L., Wenner, J., Odell, M., & Hines, S.M. (January, 2019). Increasing Science Teacher Candidates’ Ability to become Lifelong Learners through a Professional Online Learning Community. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 4(1). Retrieved from https://innovations.theaste.org/increasing-science-teacher-candidates-ability-to-become-lifelong-learners-through-a-professional-online-learning-community/
Morrell, P., Pyle, E. J., Park Rogers, M. P., Roehrig, G., & Veal, W. R. (2018). 2020 Standards for Science Teacher Preparation: A joint project of the Association for Science Teacher Education and the National Science Teachers Association. Approved by ASTE Board of Directors (June 2018) and NSTA Board of Directors (July 2018). https://static.nsta.org/pdfs/2020NSTAStandards.pdf
Morrell, P., Pyle, E. J., Park Rogers, M. P., Roehrig, G., & Veal, W. R. (2018). Science Content Analysis Forms for Elementary, Middle School, and Secondary Preservice Teacher Preparation National Recognition: A joint project of the Association for Science Teacher Education and the National Science Teachers Association. Approved by ASTE Board of Directors (June 2018) and NSTA Board of Directors (July 2018). https://www.nsta.org/nsta-standards-science-teacher-preparation
Honors & Awards
- 2013- AEP Distinguished Achievement Award from The Association of Educational Publishers. Periodicals – Featured Article Adult. “Sweetgrass Science” in Science & Children. June, 2013.
- 2011- ExCEL Award. Outstanding Graduate School Faculty of the Year and Outstanding Under-Graduate School Faculty of the Year. College of Charleston. April, 2011.
- 2009-Present- Global Scholar. College of Charleston.
- 2005-2006- President of the American Association of Teaching & Curriculum.