Katie Swart
Assistant Professor
- Ph.D. 2014 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Special Education
- M.Ed. 2006 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Child and Family Studies
- B.S. 2002 West Virginia University Child Development and Family Studies
Research Interests
Katie Swart, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the College of Charleston in the Department of Teacher Education. She completed her doctoral work at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research interests include the importance of play for early learning, inclusive practices, and building family, school, and community partnerships.
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses
- EDEE 363- Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- EDEE 407- Creating Learning Environments
- EDEE 409- Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners
- EDEE 420- Application of Curriculum & Instruction: Pre-K - Grade 3
- EDEE 455- Early Childhood Clinical Practice
- EDEE 457- Elementary Grades Clinical Practice
- EDFS 303- Human Growth and Development and the Education Process
- EDFS 401- Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Children and Youth
Graduate Courses
- EDEE 507- Creating Effective Learning Communities
- EDFS 509- Teaching Diverse Learners
- EDFS 501- Introduction to Exceptional Children and Youth
- EDEE 510- Educational Theory, Behavior, and Development of the Young Child: Field Experience I
- EDEE 520- Methods and Materials in Early Childhood Education: Field Experience II
- EDEE 613- Curriculum and Development in Early Childhood Education
- EDEE 620- Home, School, and Community Relationships
- EDFS 654- Human Growth and Development
- EDEE 698- Clinical Practice in Early Childhood Education
Selected Publications
Swart, K., White, K., Houser, K. & Dudkiewicz, C. (under review). Exiting the playroom: Strengths, struggles and supports in the transition to formal schooling. Submitted to Early Years: An International Research Journal.
Swart, K. & Houser, K. (accepted). Early childhood play and academics: What are parents’ perceptions? Submitted to Dimensions of Early Childhood.
Swart, K., Muharib, R., Godfrey-Hurrell, K., D’Amico, M.M., Algozzine, B., Correa, V. and Algozzine, K. (2021), Families of children with disabilities helping inform early childhood education. Journal of Children's Services, 16 (2), 117-131. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCS-11-2019-0045
D’Amico, M. M., Correa, V. I , Muharib, R., Algozzine, B., Algozzine, K. M., Swart, K., & Godfrey- Hurrell, K. (2020). Reflections on infusing evidenced-based inclusion practices in early childhood community college programs through a collaborative professional development model. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 41 (1), 65-84. https://doi:10.1080/10901027.2018.1516704
Correa, V. I., Godfrey-Hurrell, K., & Swart, K. (2015). Special education and Hispanic students. In G. Scarlett, Classroom management: An a-to-z guide. Sage.
Correa, V. I., Lo, Y., Godfrey-Hurrell, K., Swart, K., & Baker, D. L. (2015). Effects of adapted dialogic reading on oral language and vocabulary knowledge of Latino preschoolers at risk for English language delays. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 15, 3-21.
Lo, Y., Correa, V. I., Anderson, A. L., & Swart, K. (2014). Family involvement in culturally responsive social skill instruction for Latino students. In L. Lo & D. Hiatt-Michael (Eds.), Promising practices to empower culturally and linguistically diverse families of children with disabilities. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Swart, K. (2014). Effects of a parent implemented dialogic play strategy on early literacy development of Latino preschoolers at risk for language delays (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. (3685828)