Emily Skinner
Associate Professor
- Ed.D. - Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York, Curriculum and Teaching, 2006. Dissertation: (Re)conceptualizing Mentor Texts: Popular Culture as Mentor Text in a Seventh Grade Writing Club.
- M.Ed. - Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership, 1998. Thesis: Writing Workshop: Students' Writing Identities
- A.B.Ed. - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Elementary Education, K-8, 1995
Research Interests
Emily's research interests include teaching writing/design in the 21st century, disciplinary literacies and adolescent literacies.
Courses Taught
- EDFS 401 Adolescent/Disciplinary Literacies 5-8
- EDFS 455: Literacy and Assessment Content Areas
- EDFS 456: Teaching Strategies: EN Content Area
- EDEE 335 Teaching Writing/Design with Adolescent Literature and Multimodal Texts
Selected Publications
Skinner, E. N. & Hagood, M. C. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacies (Eds.) (2011-2016).
Skinner, E. N., Hagood, M. C., & Provost, M. (2014). Creating a new literacies coaching ethos. For Reading and Writing Quarterly.
Hagood, M. C. & Skinner, E. N. (2012). Appreciating plurality through conversation among literacy stakeholders. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(1).
Skinner, E. N., & Hagood, M. C. (2008). Developing literate identities with English Language Learners through digital storytelling. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal 8 (2). Available: http://www.readingmatrix.com/articles/skinner_hagood/article.pdf (online).
Hagood, M.C., Provost, M., Skinner, E., & Egelson, P. (2008). Teachers' and students' literacy performance in and engagement with new literacies strategies in underperforming middle schools. Middle Grades Research Journal, 3, 57-95.
Skinner, E. N. (2007). "Teenage Addiction": Writing workshop meets critical media literacy. Voices from the Middle, 15(2), 30-39.
Skinner, E. N., & Lichtenstein, M. (2009). Digital storytelling is not the new PowerPoint: Adolescents' critical constructions of presidential election issues. In M. C. Hagood (Ed.) New literacies practices: Learning from youth in out-of-school and in-school contexts. New York: Peter Lang.
Hagood, M. C. & Skinner, E. N., Venters, M., & Yelm, B. (2009). New literacies and assessments in middle school social studies content area instruction: Issues for classroom practices . In A. Burke and R. F. Hammett (Eds.). Assessing new literacies: Perspectives from the classroom New York: Peter Lang.
Skinner, E. N. (2007). "Teenage Addiction": Adolescent girls drawing upon popular culture texts as mentors for writing in an after-school writing club. In E. Rowe, R. Jimenez, D. Compton, D. Dickinson, Y. Kim, K. Leander, & V. Risco. National Reading