Beth Lloyd
Associate Professor
- Ph.D.,Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Spring 2009. Emphasis on Anthropology of Education, Sociology of Education, and Mathematics Education. Dissertation title: Transformation and Transfer of Novice Mathematics Teachers' Practices and Conceptions of Teaching and Learning: An Examination of Preservice and Inservice Classroom Settings.
- Master of Teaching, Mathematics Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Spring 1999.
- Bachelor of Arts with distinction, Mathematics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Spring 1999.
Research Interests
Beth Lloyd is an associate professor of mathematics education and foundations of education. She earned her doctorate in foundations from University of Virginia. Before graduate school, she was a high school mathematics teacher in Easton, Maryland and Summerville, SC. Her research interests include cultural shifts in mathematics education, focusing on teacher educators' and pre-service teachers' beliefs about the nature of mathematics, how mathematics should be taught, and their own mathematical identities. Her hope is that her work, in teaching, service, and research, contributes to the cultural shift toward inclusive normative beliefs about mathematics and who can identify as math people.
Courses Taught
- Supervision of Clinical Interns
- EDFS 201: Foundations of Education
- EDEE 323: The Development of Mathematical Thinking
- EDEE 365: Teaching Mathematics Pre-K – Grade 3
- EDEE 366: Teaching Mathematics Grades 2-8
- EDEE 550: Mathematics in Early Childhood Education
- EDEE 665: Mathematics Content and Instruction 2-6
Selected Publications
Lloyd, M.E.R. (Submitted July, 2022, under review). Promoting Critical Colleagueship though Discussion of Assessment Mistakes. Practice: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education
Lloyd, M.E.R. (Submitted November, 2021, Resubmitted March, 2022, under review). Mathematical Practices are Everywhere: The Intersections of Pre-service Teacher Claims, Non-Mathematics-Education Faculty Claims, and Observable Actions. School Science and Mathematics.
Lloyd, M. E. R. (2022). Teacher educators’ general beliefs and personal identifications related to mathematics. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 1-32. DOI: 10.1007/s13394-022-00436-8
Lloyd, M.E.R., & Howell, M. (2019). Positioning pre-service teacher beliefs along the traditional-reform continuum: An examination of normative beliefs and discursive claims. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 16(1), 155-210. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/tme/vol16/iss1/9
Lloyd, M.E.R., & Howell, M. (2018). An Examination of Pre-service Teachers’ Efficacy. The MathMate, 39(1), 18-34. http://www.scctm.org/resources/Documents/MathMates/MathMate%20May_2018_Vol_39_Num_1.pdf
Lloyd, M.E.R. (2017). A typological analysis: Understanding pre-service teacher beliefs and how they are transformed. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49(3), 1-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2017.1360526
Lloyd, M. E. R., Veal, W., & Howell, M. (2016). The use of teachers’ baseline normative beliefs to guide professional development in teaching mathematics. Professional Development in Education, 42(3), 359-386.
Veal, W. R., Riley Lloyd, M. E., Howell, M. R., & Peters, J. (2016). Normative beliefs, discursive claims, and implementation of reform-based science standards. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(9), 1419-1443.
Lloyd, M.E.R. (2013). Transfer of Practices and Conceptions of Teaching and Learning Mathematics. Action in Teacher Education, 35(2), 103-124.
Lloyd, M.E.R. (2012). Leaving the Profession: The Context behind One Quality
Teacher's Professional Burn Out. Teacher Education Quarterly, 39(4), 139-162.