Brian Lanahan
- Doctor of Education, Curriculum and Instruction (2006); University of Florida - Dissertation on Elementary Social Studies Methods Instruction
- Masters of Elementary Education (2001); University of California at Santa Barbara - Masters thesis on English as a Second Language and Mathematics
- Bachelor's of Science, Spanish and Social Science (1997). Troy State University -Graduated with Honors in 2.5 years
Research Interest
- Comparative and International Education
- Post-Conflict Education
- Elementary and Early Childhood Social Studies Methods
- Teacher Education Methods
- Multicultural Education and Diversity Issues
- Member Comparative and International Education Society
Courses Taught
- EDFS 201/652 Foundations of Education
- EDEE 371 Teaching Social Studies and Humanities: Grades K-3
- EDEE 373 Teaching Social Studies and Humanities: Grades 2-8
- EDEE 642 Teaching Social Studies and Humanities Pre-K–6
- MTLS 601 Race, Class and Gender in Education
Selected Publications
Lanahan, B. K (In Review) Croatian Teacher Education 2003-2023: From Independence to Bologna and Beyond. European Journal of Teacher Education.
Lanahan, B. K. (2023). Higher Education as Politics in Post-Rose Revolution Georgia London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lanahan, B. K. (2017). Post-conflict education for democracy. Bosnian education in the post-war era 1995–2015. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hickey, M. G., & Lanahan, B. K. (Eds)., (2012). 'Even the janitor is white': Educating for cultural diversity in small colleges and universities. New York: Peter Lang.
Lanahan, B. K. (2020). International perspectives on education after the Rose Revolution-Georgian education 2003-2019. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development. 22 (3), pp. 185-199
McDermott, P., & Lanahan, B. K. (2012). Democracy and social justice in Sarajevo's schools. The Qualitative Report, 17 (22), pp.1–27.
Lanahan, B. K., & McDermott, P. (2012). Post-conflict education for democracy: The case of Sarajevo. International Journal of Social Education, 24(2).
Lanahan, B. K., & Phillips, M. L. (2012). Perspectives on democracy education—The views of preservice teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United States. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, pp. 1–22.
Honors & Awards
- TEDU Live Oak Award (October 2020)
- TEDU Grit Award (November 2019)
- Fulbright Scholar to Republic of Georgia, United States State Department, $24,000, (January 2019–May 2019).
- TEDU Stick Your Neck Out Award (September 2018)
- Woodrow Wilson International Center Research Scholar, $13,300 (January 2014–April 2014).
- Fulbright Scholar to Bosnian and Herzegovina, United States State Department, $44,000, (September 2008–May 2009).
- Alumni Fellowship, University of Florida, $18,000 Annually, (August 2003–-August-006).
- Inducted Horace Mann League (2006)
Press & Media
The College Today: CofC 'Swim Buddies' Tide Each Other Over with Support, Motivation