Tracey Hunter-Doniger
Associate Professor
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Visual Arts Education; University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Minor in Educational Psychology
Dissertation Title: A Portrait of Outstanding Visual Arts Educators: The Deconstruction of the Pedagogy and Traits of Exemplary Art Teachers - Masters in Education, 2001; Indiana Wesleyan University, General Education, Marion, IN
Thesis: Integrating Math in the Art Room at the Elementary Level - B. S. in Education, 1992; Indiana University, Visual Arts Education, Bloomington, IN Concentration in Ceramics
Research Interests
Tracey Hunter-Doniger is an Associate Professor and the Department Chair of Teacher Education at the College of Charleston. Dr. Hunter-Doniger earned her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Visual Arts Education and a minor in Educational Psychology. Prior to graduate school she was employed for 15 years as a public school teacher at the early childhood, elementary, and secondary levels. Her central research focus is STEAM education, child centered approaches like TAB, forest schools, and the Reggio Approach. Her interests also investigate how the arts can play an integral role in equity, diversity and inclusion.
Arts Infused Education, Creative Arts in Education, Narrative Identity, Art-Based Educational Research
Courses Taught
- EDEE 403 Visual and Performing Arts in Education
- EDEE 455 Early Childhood Clinical Practice
- EDEE 457 Elementary Grades Clinical Practice
- EDEE 698 Early Childhood Clinical Practice
- EDEE 699 Elementary Education Clinical Practice
- EDEE 655 Creativity and Fine Arts in Education
- FYMS 126 Visual Identity
Selected Publications
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2023). Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Something to Chew on: An Overview of EDI in Art Education and How it Can be Applied. Art Education Journal.
Hunter-Doniger, T., & Wilson, K. (2023). Accounting for the Arts: An Investigation of Engagement and Hope. International Journal of Art Education. 19(3), 329-342
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2022). Creativity, Autonomy, and Play: Child-Centered Approaches and STEAM. ChildLinks of Ireland. Invited article. 6(3), 16-21.
Hunter-Doniger, T., Howell, B., Smith, I., Williams, K., Baker, H., J, Ladines, O., Scott, Wright, D. (2022). An Investigation of Diversity in Education: Perspectives of Undergraduate Preservice Educators. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina. 13(2), 30-39.
Hunter-Doniger, T., Radakovic, N., O’Byrne, W. I., Adams, B., Gourdie, E., Heckman, C., & Smith, D. (2022). 3D Printed Iron Gates: Celebrating an African American Artist Through a Transdisciplinary Lesson. Art Education, 75(4), 33-38.
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2021). Early Childhood STEAM: The Joy of Creativity, Autonomy, and Play. Art Education. 74(4), 22-27.
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2021). Forming Artist/Scientist Habits. Art Education. 74(2), 16-21. DOI: 10.1080/00043125.2020.1852376
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2020). Non-Standard Pedagogies in Art Education: An Investigation of Child-Centered Approaches, Translations in Art Education. 1 (2) 1-4.
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2020). Seeing the Forest through the Trees: The Intersection of Forest Kindergartens and Art-Based Environmental Education. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2020.1771388
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2020). The A² Curriculum ARTvocacy and Autonomy: Giving a voice to the next generation. Art Education. 43 (4) 37-43. DOI: 10.1080/00043125.2020.1746160