Anne Gutshall
Ph.D.- University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 2009M.A.- Towson University, Towson, Maryland 1992
B.A.- Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 1989
Research Interests
Anne is interested in the fields of educational psychology, educational neuroscience and counseling. In a blend of her psychological training as well as her interest in preparing excellent teachers, Anne's research explores both the affective traits of teachers that enable them to be successful as well as the cognitive qualities or beliefs of successful teachers. Currently, Anne is working on research that seeks to understand how wellbeing and resilience mindsets impact people in their daily lives. She is also exploring the impact that school- based interventions to improve teachers' and students ‘understandings of neuroscience have on student mindset beliefs, resilience, motivation and teacher efficacy.
Member: American Psychological Association (APA) and American Counseling Association (ACA)
Courses Taught
- EDFS 303- Human Growth and Development and the Educational Process
- EDFS 632- Human Learning, Cognition and Motivation
- EDFS 654- Human Growth and Development and the Educational Process
- EDEE 407- Creating Learning Environments
Selected Publications
Gutshall, C.A. and McCall, J.D. (2021) The kids are alright: Middle level students’ perceptions of school during Covid-19. Research Journal of Education, 7 (3), 141-149.
Gutshall, C. A. and Adams, C. (2021). Non-cognitive influences on talent development (2021). In Swanson, J. & van Sickle, M. (Eds) Talent Development in School: An Educator’s Guide to Implementing a Culturally Responsive Talent Identification and Development Program: Waco: Prufock Press.
Gutshall, C.A. (2020). When teachers become students: Impacts of learning neuroscience on elementary teachers' mindset beliefs, approach to learning, efficacy and grit. European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, 3 (1), 39-48.
Swanson, J., Brock, L., van Sickle, M., Gutshall, C.A., Russel, L., and Anderson, L. (2020). A basis for talent development: The integrated curriculum model and integrated strategies, Roeper Review, 43(3), 165-178.
Gutshall, C.A. (2016). Student perceptions of teacher mindset beliefs in the classroom setting. Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology, 6 (2), 135-142.
Gutshall, C.A. (2014). Pre-service teachers' mindset beliefs about student ability. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,12 (3), 785-802.
Gutshall, C.A. (2013). Teachers' mindsets for students with and without disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, 51 (10), 1073-1083.
Gutshall, C. A. (2011). Measuring the ability to care in pre-service teachers. Southeastern Regional Journal for the Association of Teacher Educators, 20 (1), 35-41.
Gutshall, C.A. (2009). Fourth grade readers...not too old to snuggle. Phi Delta Kappan, 435-437.
Honors & Awards
Delta Gamma National Outstanding Faculty Award Winner, 2016Emerging Scholars Research Program Recipient- Association of Teacher Educators, 2011
Bonner Leaders Empowerment Award, Bonner Leaders Program, 2010