Susan Flynn
Senior Instructor
- B.S., Health and Physical Education, Grades K-12, concentration in Adapted PE, Bridgewater State College, 1981
- M.A., Physical Education with a concentration in Adapted Physical Education, University of South Florida, 1980
Research Interest
Flynn's most recent research project revolved around training middle school teachers with the skills and knowledge to teach their students computer programming, engineering design, electrical and mechanical engineering technology, game design, exercise science, and fitness, all with a common goal of innovating an exergame. The research project, TECHFIT (Teaching Engineering Concepts to Harness Future Innovators and Technologists, was secured through a grant from the National Science Foundation for $3.69 million. The TECHFIT program used the design, programming, and construction of exergames to increase student interest and knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and math. The goal of TECHFIT is to combine technology and fitness experiences that energize teachers, engage students, and excite communities.
Courses Taught
- EDEE 370 Health and Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher
- EDEE 664 Health and Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher
- FYSM 138 FitCatZ Aquatic and Motor Therapy
- FYSM 119 How to Live Happy and Healthy
- EDEE 699 MAT Clinical Practice
- EDEE 457 Elementary Clinical Practice
- EDEE 455 Early Childhood Clinical Practice
- FYSM 126 Neurobics: Sparking Mental Connections
- EDEE 382 Application of Curriculum and Instruction: Grades 2-6
- EDEE 416 Elementary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- EDEE 465 Action-Based Learning Independent Study
- PEHD 201 Introduction to Physical Education
- PEHD 222 Analyses and Conduct of Lifetime Activities
- PEHD 439 Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology
- HEAL 216 Personal and Community Health
Selected Publications
Flynn S.M., Enloe, E. Teaching Children Dance, 4th Edition, Human Kinetics Publisher
Harriger, A., Harriger, B., Flynn, S., Flynn, M. Building Computational Skills via Exergames (#1920-13), Technology and Engineering Teacher Journal. (Volume 80-issue 5, published February 2021)
Flynn, S., Duell K, DeHaven C., Heidron, B. (Volume 30-Issue 6, published November 2017) Kick, Stroke and Swim: Complement Your Swimming Program by Engaging the Whole Body on Dry Land and in the Pool. Strategies- Journal of Physical Education.
Flynn, S. M., Masterson, C., (2006). Teaching Fitness Concepts in Tough Situations. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, pp.32-37 Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Harriger, A., Flynn, M., Harriger, B. & Flynn, S. (2011). TECHFIT: Combining fitness & technology to spark interest in STEM. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 2121-2128). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Honors & Awards
Teacher of the Year for Higher Education. (South Carolina Health and Physical Education-SCAHPERD) 2014
Service Award. Wisconsin Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2011
Honor Award, Midwest District Association Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2008
Honor Award, Indiana Association Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2008
Presidential Citation for Service. Midwest District for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2008
Presidential Citation. Service Award, Midwest District Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2008
Midwest Meritorious Service Award. Midwest District for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2006
Presidential Citation, Indiana Association Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2001
Leadership Recognition Award, Indiana Association Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2001
University of Toledo, Outstanding Woman Award. 1994