Wayne McFee
Research Wildlife Biologist - NOAA
M.S., 1990, Northeastern University
B.S., 1987, Jacksonville University
Research Interests
- Marine mammals
- Life history
- Pathogens
- Contaminants
- Habitat utilization
Current and planned research projects
- Microplastic research of bottlenose dolphins
- Use of UAS (drone) technology to capture blow exhalations of bottlenose dolphins for respiratory microbiome analysis and images for dolphin body condition analysis
- Zoonotic pathogens in dolphin tissues
- Other ad hoc activities include: aging of dolphin teeth; detecting oil signatures in dolphin teeth; prey species analysis; dolphin photo-id/stranding analysis
- Claro, F., Fossi, MC, Ioakeimidis, C, Baini, M, Lusher, AL, McFee, W, McIntosh, RR, Pelamatti, T, Sorce, M, Galgani, F, and BD Hardesty. 2019. Tools and constraints in monitoring interactions between marine litter and megafauna: insights from case studies around the world. Marine Pollution Bulletin 141: 147-160.
- Powell, JWB, Duffield, DA, Kaufman, JJ and WE McFee. 2019. Bone density cannot accurately predict age in the common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus. Marine Mammal Science DOI: 10.1111/mms.12591: 1-6.
- Balmer, B., Zolman, E., Rowles, T., Smith, C., Townsend, F., Fauquier, D., George, C., Goldstein, T., Hansen, L., Quigley, B., McFee, W., et al. 2018. Ranging patterns, spatial overlap, and association with dolphin morbillivirus exposure in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the Georgia, USA coast. Ecology and Evolution 8:12890-12904.
- Bryan, C.E., Bossart, G.D, Christopher, S.J., Davis, W.C., Kilpatrick, L.E., McFee, W.E. and T.X. O’Brien. 2017. Selenium protein identification and profiling by mass spectrometry: a tool to assess progression of cardiomyopathy in a whale model. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 44: 40-49.
- Ewing, R.Y., Mase-Guthrie, B., McFee, W., Townsend, F, Manire, C.A., Walsh, M., Borkowski, R., Bossart, G.D. and A.M. Schaefer. 2017. Evaluation of serum for pathophysiological effects of prolonged low salinity water exposure in displaced bottlenose dolphins. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 4: 1-7