Pam Jutte
Adjunct Faculty
Ph.D., 1997, University of California at Berkeley
Research Interests
- Benthic ecology
- Marine invertebrate behavioral ecology
- Environmental assessment
Current research projects
- vision physiology and reproductive biology in stomatopod crustaceans
- ecology of benthic epifaunal communities on continental shelf
- assessment of benthic resources, hard bottom reefs, and physical characteristics in and around ocean dredged material disposal areas and beach renourishment projects
- assessment of habitat quality of tidal creeks and coastal waters
- Fiore, C.L. and P.C. Jutte. 2010. Communities within communities: a look at sponges and their symbionts off the southeastern United States. Invertebrate Biology.
- Crowe, S.E., P.T. Gayes, R.F. Viso, D.C. Bergquist, P.C. Jutte, R.F. Van Dolah. 2010. Impact of the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site on nearby Hard Bottom Reef Habitats. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 60 (5), 679-691.
- Noakes, S.E. and P.C. Jutte. 2006. Utilizing gamma isotope tracers to determine sediment source at reef sites near the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 52, 666-673.
- Zimmerman, L.E., P.C. Jutte, and R.F. Van Dolah. 2003. An environmental assessment of the Charleston ocean dredged material disposal site and surrounding areas after partial completion of the Charleston harbor deepening project. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 46(11), 1408-1419.
- Jutte, P.C., R.F. Van Dolah, and P.T. Gayes. 2002. Recovery of benthic communities following offshore dredging, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Shore & Beach. 70(3), 25-30.
- Jutte, P.A., T.W. Cronin, and R.L Caldwell. 1998. Photoreception in the planktonic larvae of two species of Pullosquilla, a lysiosquilloid stomatopod crustacean. Journal of Experimental Biology: 201(17), 2481-2487.