Kristy Hill-Spanik
Grice Marine Laboratory Molecular Core Facility Laboratory Manager
M.S., 2011, College of William and Mary
B.A., 2003, Duke University
Research Interests
- Applied molecular biology
- Biogeography and ecology of microbes
- Parasites of molluscs and fish
- Bioinformatics, phylogenetics
- Bézy VS, Hill-Spanik KM, Plante CJ (2020) Unearthing the sand microbiome of sea turtle nests with disparate survivorship at a mass-nesting beach in Costa Rica. Aquat Microb Ecol 85:71-83
- Plante C, Hill-Spanik KM, Cook M, Graham C (2020) Environmental and spatial influences on biogeography and community structure of saltmarsh benthic diatoms. Estuar Coast (in press)
- Hill-Spanik KM, Smith AS, Plante CJ. 2019. Recovery of benthic microalgal biomass and communities following beach renourishment at Folly Beach, South Carolina. Estuar Coasts 42:157-172
- Lohan KMP, Hill-Spanik KM, Torchin ME, Aguirre-Macedo L, Fleischer RC, Carnegie RB, Reece KS, Ruiz GM (2018) Phylogeography and connectivity of molluscan parasites: Perkinsus spp. in Panama and beyond. Int J Parasitol doi:10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.08.014
- de Buron I, Hill-Spanik KM, Haselden L, Hallett SL, Atkinson SD, Arnott SA (2017) Infection dynamics of Kudoa inornata (Cnidaria: Myxosporea) in spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus (Teleost: Scianenidae). Dis Aquat Org 127:29-40
- Heuring WL, Hill-Spanik KM, Sotka E (2017) Identifying lineages of Alpheus angulosus McClure, 2002 (Caridea: Alpheidae) in South Carolina, USA. J Crust Biol doi:10.1093/jcbiol/rux056
- Hubbard IM, Hill-Spanik KM, Knott D, de Buron I (2016) Development of Anguillicoloides crassus in a cyclopoid copepod from the Acanthocyclops robustus–americanus –vernalis complex in South Carolina, USA. Comp Parasitol 83:193-196
- Lohan KMP, Hill-Spanik KM, Torchin ME, Aguirre-Macedo L, Fleischer RC, Ruiz GM (2016) Richness and distribution of tropical oyster parasites in two oceans. Parasitology doi:10.1017/S0031182015001900
- Hill-Spanik KM, McDowell JR, Stokes NA, Reece KS, Burreson EM, Carnegie RB (2015) Phylogeographic perspective on the distribution and dispersal of a marine pathogen, the oyster parasite Bonamia exitiosa. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 536:65-76
- Hill KM, Stokes NA, Webb SC, Hine PM, Kroeck MA, Moore JD, Morley MS, Reece KS, Burreson EM, Carnegie RB (2014) Phylogenetics of Bonamia parasites based on small subunit and internal transcribed spacer region ribosomal DNA sequence data. Dis Aquat Org 110:33-54