Marie DeLorenzo
Ecotoxicology Branch Chief - NOAA NCCOS
Ph.D., 1997, Clemson University
M.S., 1994, Penn State University
B.S., 1992, Penn State University
Research Interests
- Environmental toxicology
- Physiology
- Biomarkers
- Climate-chemical interactions
- DeLorenzo, M.E., Key, P.B., Chung, K.W., Aaby, K., Hausman, D., Jean, C., Pennington, P.L., Pisarski,
E.C., Wirth, E.F. 2021. Multi-stressor effects of ultraviolet light, temperature, and salinity on Louisiana Sweet Crude oil toxicity in larval estuarine organisms. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. DOI 10.1007/s00244-021-00809-3. - Key, P.B., Chung, K.W., West, B., Pennington, P.L., DeLorenzo, M.E. (2020) Developmental and
reproductive effects in grass shrimp (Palaemon pugio) following acute larval exposure to a thin oil sheen and ultraviolet light. Aquatic Toxicology. - Aquilina-Beck, A.A., Reiner, J.L., Chung, K.W., DeLise, M.J., Key, P.B., DeLorenzo, M.E. 2020. Uptake
and Biological Effects of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Exposure in the Adult Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - van den Hurk, P., Edhlund, I., Davis, R., Hahn, J.J. McComb, M.J., Rogers, E.L., Pisarski, E., Chung, K., DeLorenzo, M. (2020) Lionfish (Pterois volitans) as biomonitoring species for oil pollution effects in coral reef ecosystems. Mar Environ Res https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104915.
- Buenaventura, N.T.,Chastain, S., Chavanich, S., Cózar, A., DeLorenzo, M., Hagmann, P., Hinata, H.,
Kozlovskii, N., Lusher, A.L., Martí, E., Michida, Y., Mu, J., Ohno, M., Potter, G., Ross, P.S., Shim, W.J.,
Song, J.K., Takada, H., Tokai, T., Torii, T., Uchida, K., Vassillenko, K., Viyakarn, V., Zhang, W. (Submitted March 2018) An interlaboratory comparison exercise for the determination of microplastics in standard sample bottles. Marine Pollution Bulletin.