wally bubley

Wally Bubley

Associate Marine Scientist - SCDNR Reef Fish Section


Ph.D., 2010, University of New Hampshire
M.S., 2005, College of Charleston
B.S., 2002, Miami University

Research Interests

  • Reef fish
  • Life history
  • Population monitoring
  • Reef fish ecology
  • Population characterization


  • Bacheler, N.M., Z.D. Gillum, K.C. Gregalis, E.P. Pickett, C.M. Schobernd, Z.H. Schobernd, B.Z. Tear, T.I. Smart, and W.J. Bubley (2022) Comparison of video and traps for detecting reef fishes and quantifying species richness in the continental shelf waters of the southeast United States. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14141
  • Smart, T.I., W.J. Bubley, D.M. Glasgow, and M.J.M. Reichert (2020). Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science. Spatial Distribution Changes and Habitat Use in Red Porgy in Waters off the Southeast U.S. Atlantic Coast. 12: 381-394.
  • Passerotti, M.S., T.E. Helser, I. Benson, B. Barnett, J.C. Ballenger, W.J. Bubley, M.J.M Reichert, and J.M. Quattro (2020). ICES Journal of Marine Science. Age estimation of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) using FT-NIR spectroscopy: Feasibility of application to production ageing for management. 77(6): 2144-2156.
  • Bubley, W.J., B. Galuardi, A.W. Dukes, and W.E. Jenkins (2020). Marine Ecology Progress Series. Incorporating Depth into Habitat Use Descriptions for Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) and Habitat Overlap with other Billfishes in the Western North Atlantic. 638: 137-148.
  • Gamboa-Salazar, K.R., D.M. Wyanski, W.J. Bubley, and N. Klibansky (2020). ICES Journal of Marine Science. Effects of Age and Size on Spawning and Egg Production in Gag and Scamp Grouper off the
    Southeastern United States. 77(1): 290-299.
  • Bubley, W.J., J.A. Sulikowski, D.M. Koester, and P.C.W. Tsang (2013). Fisheries Research. Using a multi-parameter approach to reassess maturity of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, following increased fishing pressure in the Western North Atlantic. 147. 202-212.
  • Bubley, W.J., J. Kneebone, J.A. Sulikowski, and P.C. Tsang. (2012) Journal of Fish Biology. Reassessment of Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, Age and Growth Using Vertebrae and Dorsal Fin Spines. 80. 1300-1319.
  • Bubley, W.J. and O. Pashuk (2010) The Journal of Fish Biology. Life history of a simultaneously hermaphroditic fish, Diplectrum formosum, from the Atlantic waters of the United States. 77. 676 – 691