Kelley Cours Anderson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Marketing


Texas Tech University - Lubbock, Texas
Ph.D., Business Administration (Marketing), 2021

University of North Texas - Denton, Texas
M.S., Merchandising, Magna Cum Laude, 2014

University of North Texas
B.S., Merchandising; Minor in Business Administration, 2003

Research Interests

Emerging Technology and Media, Market System Dynamics, Value Cocreation, Digital Consumer Culture

Courses Taught

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Digital Marketing   
  • Integrated Marketing Communications 
  • Marketing Concepts

Selected Publications

Anderson, K.C., Hass, A., Mertz, B.A., McDonald, R.E. (in press). Super-Heroes at Your Service: Navigating Moral Dilemmas and Small Business Owner Identity in Online Communities. Journal of Services Theory & Practice. (ranked A, ABDC journal list)

Anderson, K.C., Wallach, K.A., Albinsson, P.A., and Tracy, R. (in press). From Body Positivity and Beyond: Investigating Affective Aesthetic Atmospheres of Influencers. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. (ranked A, ABDC journal list)

Anderson, K. C., Wallach, K. A., & Grimes, M. (2024). The Anti-Consumption Journey: Unplugging for Improved Well-Being. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

Anderson, K.C., Popovich, D., Frias, K. M., Trussell, M. (2024). Subordinated Service Environments: How Branding Can Create Unintentional Service Exclusion. Journal of Services Marketing.

Anderson, K.C., Hansen, H., & Laverie, D. A. (2024). Technology has Agency too! Disentangling Technology’s Causal and Structural Agency in a Service System. Journal of Macromarketing.

Anderson, K.C., Zmich, L. J., Mertz, B. A., & Hass, A. (2024). Are Your Students Aware of Social Media Wellness? A Necessary Macromarketing Curriculum Extension. Journal of Macromarketing, 44(1), 224-238.

Anderson, K.C., Albinsson, P. A., & Ducarroz, C. (2023). Peer‐to‐peer community on social media: An exploratory cross‐cultural study. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

Mertz, B., Hass, A., Anderson, K.C., Kaskela, T., & Zmich, L. (2023). “#SocialMediaWellness: Exploring a Research Agenda and Conceptualization for Healthy Social Media Consumption", Journal of Consumer Behavior.

Bradley, T., Anderson, K.C., Hass, A. (2023), “The Virtuous Cycle: Social Media Influencers’ Potential for Kindness Contagion,” Journal of Macromarketing, 43(2), 110-118.

Anderson K.C., Freybote, J., & Manis, K. T. (2022), “The Impact of Virtual Marketing Strategies on the Price-TOM Relation,” The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. 

Anderson K.C. & Laverie, D.A. (2022), “In the Consumers’ Eye: A Mixed-Method Approach to Understanding How VR-Content Influences Unbranded Product Quality Perceptions," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,

Mitchell, C., Anderson, K.C., Laverie, D.A., & Hass, A. (2021). Distance Be Damned: Creating Social Presence in a Pandemic Constrained Environment. Marketing Education Review. 1-7.

Honors & Awards

  • Consumer Behavior Track Best Paper (SMA, 2023)
  • Jim McAlexander Cool Research Paper Award (CCT, 2022)
  • Future Trends in Consumer Behavior track Best Paper (AMA-Winter, 2022)
  • Jerry S. Rawls Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award (TTU, 2021)
  • Helen DeVitt Jones Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award (2021)
  • Member of Beta Gamma Sigma (inducted 2021)
  • Jane K. Fenyo Best Student Paper Award at AMS (2020)
  • Sharon Beatty Best Paper in Services Marketing at SMA (2020)
  • AMA DocSIG Spotlight (2020)
  • Rawls COB Marketing Doctoral Student Excellence in Research Award (2020)
  • AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow (2020), representing Schulich School of Business, York University