Katie Trejo Tello
Assistant Professor of Public Health
- National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center “Global Health Equity Scholars” Postdoctoral Fellow, CRONICAS Centro de Excelencia en Enfermedades Crónicas, Universidad Cayetano Peruana Heredia
- Ph.D. in Public Health (Health Promotion and Disease Prevention), Florida International University
- B.S. in Biology, University of Miami
Research Interests
- Behavioral risk factors for chronic disease
- Nutrition and physical activity behaviors
- Hispanic health
- Social network influences on health
- Cultural and social theories of health promotion
- Health disparities
Courses Taught
- HEAL 215: Intro to Public Health
- HEAL 216: Personal and Community Health
- HEAL 230: Global Health
- HEAL 460: Public Health Administration
Selected Publications
*student co-authors
- *Taylor, L. & Trejo Tello, K. (Under Review), "Burnout and wellness behaviors in university faculty and staff."
- Maness, S.B., Kennedy, M., & Trejo Tello, K. (2024, In Press), "Community and academic partner perspectives on collaborating towards a reduction in community gun violence." Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research Education and Action.
- *Fish, E. & Trejo Tello, K. (2023), "Experiences of COVID-19 Restrictions on Physical Activity in Assisted Living." Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 48(2), 239-256.
- Trejo Tello, K., Hughey, S.M., Porto, S., *Hart, M. & *Benson, A. (2022), "Interventions to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety in Latin America: a systematic review and metasummary." Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living, 2(2), 59-73.
- Trejo, K. & Shaw Ridley, M. (2020), "Peruvian parents' perceptions of children's obesity." Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 18(1), 17-28.
- Trejo, K. & Shaw-Ridley, M. (2019), "Barriers and Enablers to Nutrition and Physical Activity in Lima, Peru: An Application of the Pen-3 Cultural Model among Families Living in Pueblos Jovenes." Ethnicity and Health, 26(6), 911–921.
- Lancaster, A., & McInvale Trejo, K., (Submitted) “Motor skills assessment tools as predictors of childhood overweight and obesity.”
Invited Book Chapters
- McInvale Trejo, K. & Shaw Ridley, M. (2022). "The tapestry of culture and health: Discovery, experience and growth of a scholar practitioner." In C. Airhihenbuwa, J. Iwelumor (Eds.), Health Culture and Place: From the Tree to the Forest (pp. 129-142). U-Rise.