Karen Smail
Program Director & Associate Professor of Physical Education
- Ph.D. in Adapted Physical Education & Movement Studies, University of Georgia
- M.S. in Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction, Canisius College
- Hons. B.A. in Recreation and Leisure Studies with a minor in Therapeutic Recreation and Business Co-Op, University of Waterloo
Research Interests
- Effectiveness of Strength Training and Nutrition Education Programs on Elementary through High School-Aged Children
- Effects and Changes in Body Composition through Exergaming versus Aerobics
- Creating Community Centered Programs for Children with Developmental Disabilities, including Asperger’s/Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Combating Childhood Obesity
- Heart Rate Tracking and Associated Equipment
Honors & Awards
- Junior Faculty, Teacher-Scholar Award, School of Education, Health, and Human Performance, College of Charleston, 2009
- Who’s Who Among American Women, 2007
- Who’s Who Among American Teachers, 2006
Courses Taught
- PEHD 222:Analysis and Conduct of Lifetime Activities
- PEHD 352: Physical Education in Elementary Schools
- PEHD 352L: Physical Education Field Experience in the Elementary Grades
- PEHD 431: Test and Measurements
- PEHD 457: Adapted Physical Education
- PEHD 457L: Field Experience in Adapted Physical Education
Selected Publications
- Smail, K.M., Lewis, A., & Romberger, N. (under review), “Using homework in physical education to develop fitness.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
- Smail, K.M. (2010), “Using technology to keep students healthy.” Academic Exchange Quarterly, 14(3), 172-176.
- Smail, K.M., & Horvat, M. (2009), “Resistance training for individuals with intellectual disabilities.” Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association, 63(2), 7-11.
- Smail, K.M. (2009), “Should students be allowed to ‘test out’ of physical education by meeting a fitness standard such as Fitnessgram?” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Issues, 80(6), 58.
- Smail, K.M., & Hovart, M., (2007), “Improving performance in functional tasks through balance training in individuals with mental retardation.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78(1), 103.
- Smail, K.M., & Horvat, M. (2006), “Relationship of Muscular Strength on Work Performance in High School Students with Mental Retardation.” Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 41(4), 410-419.
- Smail, K.M., & Hovart, M. (2005), “Effects of balance training on individuals with mental retardation.” Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association, 59(3), 43-47.
- Smail, K.M., Spurlock, D., & Beck, L. (In Preparation), “Exergaming: It’s impact on fitness and academic performance.” Potential submission to Journal of Education for Teachers.
- Smail, K.M., & Balinsky, S. (In Preparation), “Where have all the girls gone? Attitudinal differences between females who elect physical education in high school and those who do not.” Potential submission to Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal.
- Smail, K.M., & Manning, M. (In Preparation), “Designing a Recreation Program for Adolescents with Asperger’s/Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).” Potential submission to Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.