John Sieverdes
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
- Ph.D. in Exercise Science (Health Aspects of Physical Activty), University of South Carolina
- M.S. in Safety Engineering (Ergonomics, Industrial Hygiene, Workplace Safety and Health), Texas A&M University
- B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Clemson University
Research Interests
- Mobile health technology
- Frailty in chronic kidney disease
- Wearable technology
- Behavioral theory in physical activity
- Measurement of strength in clinical populations
- Distance coaching in adult populations
Courses Taught
- EXSC 340: Exercise Physiology
- EXSC 439: Advanced Exercise Physiology
- EXSC 440: Biomechanics
- EXSC 442: Healthy Aging
Selected Publications
- Sieverdes, J.C. (2018), “Mobile health considerations for kidney disease and transplantation.” mHealth, 4, 13.
- Sieverdes, J.C., Treiber, F.A., Mueller, M., Nemeth, L.S., Brunner-Jackson, B., Anderson, A., & Baliga, P.K. (2018), “Living Organ Video Educated Donors Program Kidney Transplant-eligible African Americans to Approach Potential Donors: A Proof of Concept.” Transplantation Direct, 4(6), e357.
- Sieverdes, J.C., Rao, V., Taber, D.J., Noltemeyer, Z., McGillicuddy, J.W., Bergamin, M., Thangavel, S., & Baliga, P.K. (2018), “Feasibility and Functional Testing for Frailty in Chronic Kidney Disease.” Progress in Transplantation, 28(3), 299-300.
- Adams, Z.W., Sieverdes, J.C., Brunner-Jackson, B., Mueller, M., Chandler, J., Diaz, V., Patel, S., Sox, L.R., Wilder, S., & Treiber, F.A. (2018), “Meditation smartphone application effects on prehypertensive adults’ blood pressure: Dose-response feasibility trial.” Health Psychology: Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 37(9), 850-860.
- Sieverdes, J.C., Bergamin, M., Chandler, J., Noltemeyer, Z., Moore, T.L., Baliga, P.K., Ruggiero, K.J., Campbell, R.C., Nemeth, L.S., Treiber, F.A., Juergens, K., & Jenkins, C.H. (2017), “Lifestyle Intervention for Transplant Success (LIFTS) Mobile Health Wellness Program for Kidney Wait-Listed Patients: Development and Design.” International Archives of Nursing and Health Care, 3(4).
- Sieverdes, J.C., Adams, Z.W., Nemeth, L., Brunner-Jackson, B., Mueller, M., Anderson, A., Patel, S., Sox, L., & Treiber, F.A. (2017), “Formative evaluation on cultural tailoring breathing awareness meditation smartphone apps to reduce stress and blood pressure.” mHealth, 3, 44.
- Sieverdes, J.C., Price, M., Ruggiero, K.J., Baliga, P.K., Chavin, K.D., Brunner-Jackson, B., Patel, S., & Treiber, F.A. (2017), “Design and approach of the Living Organ Video Educated Donors (LOVED) program to promote living kidney donation in African Americans.” Contemporary Clinical Trials, 61, 55-62.
- Sieverdes, J.C., Nemeth, L.S., Magwood, G.S., Baliga, P.K., Chavin, K.D., Brunner-Jackson, B., Patel, S.K., Ruggiero, K.J., & Treiber, F.A. (2015), “Patient-Centered mHealth Living Donor Transplant Education Program for African Americans: Development and Analysis.” JMIR Research Protocols, 4(3), e84.
- Bullo, V., Bergamin, M., Gobbo, S., Sieverdes, J.C., Zaccaria, M., Neunhaeuserer, D., & Ermalao, A. (2015), “The effects of Pilates exercise training on physical fitness and wellbeing in the elderly: A systematic review for future exercise prescription.” Preventive Medicine, 75, 1-11.
- Sieverdes, J.C., Nemeth, L.S., Magwood, G.S., Baliga, P.K., Chavin, K.D., Ruggiero, K.J., & Treiber, F.A. (2015), “African American kidney transplant patients’ perspectives on challenges in the living donation process.” Progress in Transplantation, 25(2), 164-175.