Arjun Ramani
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
- Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology (Sport and Exercise Science concentration), University of Northern Colorado
- M.S. in Exercise Physiology, University of Northern Colorado
Research Interests
- Exercise Immunology
- Reproductive Exercise Immunology
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Cancer Exercise Specialist (CES) L2
- CrossFit (CF) L1
Courses Taught
- EXSC 333: Exercise Nutrition
- EXSC 340L: Exercise Physiology Lab
Selected Publications
- Ramani, A., Townsend, R., Rodriguez, E., Haughian, J.M., & Stewart, L.K. (2024), "Daily Cannabidiol and L-Theanine Beverage Consumption Does Not Alter Anxiety, Fatigue, Cognitive Function, or Natural Killer Cell Function: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in Healthy, Young Adults." Brain Behavior and Immunity Integrative, 5, 100045.
- Flores, V.A., Kisiolek, J.N., Ramani, A., Townsend, R., Rodriguez, E., Butler, B., & Stewart, L.K. (2023), "Effects of Oral Cannabidiol on Health and Fitness in Healthy Adults: An 8-Week Randomized Trial." Nutrients, 15(12), 2664.
- Kisiolek, J.N., Kheredia, N., Flores, V., Ramani, A., Lisano, J., Johnston, N., & Stewart, L.K. (2022), “Short Term, Oral Supplementation with Optimized Curcumin Does Not Impair Performance Improvements Associated with High Intensity Interval Training.” Journal of Dietary Supplements, 19(6), 733-746.