Kate Pfile
Department Chair | Associate Professor of Exercise Science
- Ph.D. in Sports Medicine, The University of Virginia
- M.Ed. in Athletic Training, The University of Virginia
- B.S. in Athletic Training & Physical Education (Exercise Science), College of Charleston
Research Interests
- Anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors and functional restoration
- Core muscle function as a contributor to lower extremity function
- Workload management and injury risk
Honors & Awards
- Student Club Advisor of the Year Award, Higdon Student Leadership Center
Courses Taught
- EXSC 211: Neuromuscular Assessment and Prescription
- EXSC 330: Kinesiology
- EXSC 320/HONS 390: Evidenced-Based Medicine
Selected Publications
- Hunnicutt, J.L., Faircloth, H.C., McLeod, M.M., Gregory, C.M., Slone, H.S., & Pfile, K.R. (2024), “Drop Vertical Jump Landing Mechanics are Similar Between Patients with Quadriceps Tendon and Patellar Tendon Autographs After ACL Reconstruction.” Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation, in press.
- Pfile, K.R., Boling, M., Baellow, A., Zuk, E., & Nguyen, A.D. (2023), “Greater Core Endurance Identifies Improved Mechanics During Jump Landing in Female Youth Soccer Athletes.” Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 32(8), 1-7.
- Cavallaro, E.C., Pfile, K.R., Irwin, J.M., & Dudgeon, W.D. (2022), “Dynamic Balance and Core Endurance Improve in Healthy Females Following Suspension Training.” International Journal of Sports Science, 12(3), 53-60.
- Pfile, K.R., & Curioz, B. (2017), “Coach-led prevention programs are effective in reducing anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes: A number-needed-to-treat analysis.” Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 27(2), 1950-1958.
- Nguyen, A.D., Zuk, E.F., Baellow, A.L., Pfile, K.R., DiStefano, L.J., & Boling, M.C. (2017), “Longitudinal Changes in Hip Strength and Range of Motion in Female Youth Soccer Players: Implications of ACL Injury, A Pilot Study.” Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 26(5), 358-364.
- Pfile, K.R., Gribble, P.A, Buskirk, G.E., Meserth, S.M., & Pietrosimone, B.G. (2016), “Sustained Improvements in Dynamic Balance and Landing Mechanics After a 6-Week Neuromuscular Training Program in College Women’s Basketball Players.” Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 25(3), 233-240.
- Pfile, K.R., Hart, J.M., Herman, D.C., Hertel, J., Kerrigan, D.C., & Ingersoll, C.D. (2013), “Different exercise training interventions and drop-landing biomechanics in high school female athletes.” Journal of Athletic Training, 48(4), 450-462.
- Gribble, P.A., Brigle, J., Pietrosimone, B.G., Pfile, K.R., & Webster, K.A. (2013), “Intrarater reliability of the functional movement screen.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(4), 978-981.
- Ericksen, H.M., Gribble, P.A., Pfile, K.R., & Pietrosimone, B.G. (2013), “Different modes of feedback and peak vertical ground reaction force during jump landing: a systematic review.” Journal of Athletic Training, 48(5), 685-695.
- Dalton, E.C., Pfile, K.R., Weniger, G.R., Ingersoll, C.D., Herman, D., & Hart, J.M. (2011), “Neuromuscular changes after aerobic exercise in people with anterior cruciate ligament-reconstructed knees.” Journal of Athletic Training, 46(5), 476-483.
- Jackson, K.R., Garrison, J.C., Ingersoll, C.D., and Hertel, J. (2010), “Similarity of Hip and Knee Kinematics and Kinetics Among Prepubescent Boys and Girls During a Drop Vertical Jump Landing.” Athletic Training and Sports Health Care, 2(2), 74-80.
- Grindstaff, T.L., Jackson, K.R., Garrison, J.C., Diduch, D.R., & Ingersoll, C.D. (2008), “Decreased quadriceps activation measured hours prior to a noncontact anterior cruciate ligament tear.” The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 38(8), 508-516.