William Barfield
Professor Emeritus of Exercise Science
- Ph.D. in Biomechanics, Auburn University
- M.A. Degree, Western Carolina University
- B.S. Degree, Western Carolina University
- A.A. Degree, Brevard College
Research Interests
- Toning Shoes
- Compartment Syndrome
- Biomechanics of Bone Fracture and Repair
- Achilles Tendon Injury and Repair
- Bone Quality
- Skeletal Risk with Chronic Bisphosphonate Use
- Heterotopic Ossification
Courses Taught
- EXSC 330: Kinesiology
- EXSC 433: Research Design and Analysis
- EXSC 440: Biomechanics
- HEAL 216: Personal and Community Health
Selected Publications
- Schultz, D.S., Gass, H.M., Barfield, W.R., Demos, H.A., & Hartsock, L.A. (2018), “Surgical Complications Associated With Atypical Femur Fractures Attributed to Bisphosphonate Use.” Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, 27(1), 14-20.
- Demos, H.A., Lin, Z.X., Barfield, W.R., Wilson, S.H., Robertson, D.C., & Pellegrini, V.D. (2017), “Process Improvement Project Using Tranexamic Acid Is Cost-Effective in Reducing Blood Loss and Transfusions After Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty.” The Journal of Arthroplasty, 32(8), 2375-2380.
- Traven, S.A., Chiaramonti, A.M., Barfield, W.R., Kirkland, P.A., Demos, H.A., Schutte, H.D., & Drew, J.M. (2017), “Fewer Complications Following Revision Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in Patients With Normal Vitamin D Levels.” The Journal of Arthroplasty, 32(9S), S193-S196.
- Boutin, R.D., Netto, A.P., Nakamura, D., Bateni, C., Szabo, R.M., Cronan, M., Foster, B., Barfield, W.R., Seibert, J.A., & Chaudhari, A.J. (2017), “’Knuckle Cracking’: Can Blinded Observers Detect Changes with Physical Examination and Sonography?” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475(4), 1265-1271.
- Murphy, R.F., Nunez, L., Barfield, W.R., & Mooney, J.F. (2017), “Evaluation of Pediatric Questions on the Orthopaedic In-Training Examination – An Update.” Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 37(6), e394-e397.
- Barfield, W.R., Holmes, R.E., & Hartsock, L.A. (2017), “Heterotopic Ossification in Trauma.” The Orthopedic Clinics of North America, 48(1), 35-46.
- Bowman, S.H., Barfield, W.R., Slone, H.S., Shealy, G.J., & Walton, Z.J. (2016), “The clinical implications of heterotopic ossification in patients treated with radial head replacement for trauma: A case series and review of the literature.” Journal of Orthopaedics, 13(4), 272-277.
- Barfield, W.R., Holmes, R.E., Slone, H., Walton, Z.J., & Hartsock, L.A. (2015), “Acute versus staged surgical intervention in multiligamentous knee injuries: a review of the literature since 2009.” Current Orthopaedic Practice, 26(5), 530-535.
- Horst, T.A., Mooney, J.F., Hooker, J.A., Barfield, W.R., & Glaser, J.A. (2015), “Comparison of Intraoperative C-Arm Fluoroscopy to Postoperative Radiographs in Operative Fracture Fixation.” Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, 24(3), 180-183.
- Slone, H.S., Walton, Z.J., Daly, C.A., Chapin, R.W., Barfield, W.R., Leddy, L.R., & Hartsock, L.A. (2015), “The impact of race on the development of severe heterotopic ossification following acetabular fracture surgery.” Injury, 46(6), 1069-1073.