Lisa Signori, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of French | Chair of French, Francophone, and Italian Studies | Affiliate Faculty - Women and Gender Studies


Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia 

Research Interests

French Literature from the 19th century to the present, narrative reflexivity in the work of Belgian author Amélie Nothomb, and Pilgrimage Studies, with a focus on the Chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle / Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James).

Courses Taught

FRENCH 499 - Bachelor’s Essay

FRENCH 498 - Independent Study

FRENCH 496 - Directed Reading HONORS 381- The Art of the Pilgrimage: Cultural Heritage on the Way of St. James

HONORS 381- The Art of Pilgrimage: Transformative Travel on the Way of St. James

FRENCH 314 - French Conversation and Composition

FIRST YEAR TRAVEL 129 - No (S)pain No Gain: Walking the Camino de Santiago

FIRST YEAR SEMINAR 116 - On The Road Again: Modern Journeys on Ancient Pathways

FREN 202 Intermediate French Through Culture II

FREN 102 Beginning French Through Culture II

Selected Publications

“All you Need is Faith: Sainte Foy, Furta Sacra, and Saint Mary Magdalene.” Women and Pilgrimage, edited by E. Moore Quinn (College of Charleston) and Alison T. Smith (The Citadel). CABI. Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Series. Wallingford, UK. March, 2022.[9738 words]

“Whose Camino Is It? (Re)defining Europe on the Camino de Santiago.” Co-author with Steven Gardner and Carl Mentley. The Camino de Santiago in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Global Views, edited by Annie Hesp (Virginia Tech) and Samuel Sanchez (Davidson College). Routledge: 2016. pp. 57-77.

“The (W)hole in the Text. A Hermeneutic reading of Marguerite Duras’s La Pluie d’été.” M. Rector (Ed.). Romance Notes, 53.1 pp. 3-10. Chapel Hill, NC: U of NC P, 2013.

“Social Commentary in Coline Serreau’s Saint-Jacques...La Mecque.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 46.4 (2013): 21-36.

“Mirrors in the Text: Amélie Nothomb’s Mercure.” S. Sauter (Ed.). Studies in 20th& 21st Century Literature, 37.1 pp. 75-91. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State, 2013.