Juliette Bourdier, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Affiliate Faculty - Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ENSS) Program
Medieval anthropologist, Dr. Bourdier specializes in medieval European literature, heritage, and culture with a particular interest in the perception and reception of Hell by emphasizing the fundamental connection between different philosophical, scientific, and socio-cultural contexts. Besides investigating testimonies of voyages in Hell, her current research addresses the question of Parisian Book of Hours as a unique opportunity to contribute to our understanding of the 15th-century Parisian society. Her scholarship has appeared in numerous academic journals and volumes in the United-States and in Europe. Dr. Bourdier is a Researcher Collaborator at the National Center for Scientific Research CNRS, High Studies Center for Medieval Civilization CESCM, University of Poitiers and ACTE, Fictions and Interactions, University Sorbonne Paris-1.
Honors and Awards
She has been named Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Knight in the Order of the Academic Palms) by the government of France --honorific distinction given to Bourdier for her extensive efforts to promote French Studies in the United States. She also was the recipient of the ExCEL Award for Outstanding Faculty Member in the School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs for her commitment to creating a campus environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, and excellence.
With David Desplaces, professor of entrepreneurship and assistant director of the Global Business Resource Center College of Charleston, Bourdier organized “Le Don du Livre 2019-20”, an event aimed at distributing 2,000 French books to Charleston-area educators and students. From 2015 to 2021 Bourdier served as the Director of the French Business program, she also designed a study abroad program from 2017 to 2020, the Summer Internship Program in Paris.
Courses Taught
Dr. Bourdier has taught courses in French Medieval and Renaissance Studies, French Business, Literature, Culture, and Language at all levels.
Recent Publications
“When the Medieval Book Comes Alive Around the Matere: Object and Subject in Turn”, Bibliophila, Book Matters, Interfaces, n°52, Université de Bourgogne, 2024 : 51-75.
“Atelier médiéval, entre fantasmagorie et sacralité”, l’atelier comme œuvre, Ligeia, n°205, CNL, Paris, 2023 : 90-107.
“Un manuscrit parisien et ses énigmes”, livre d’heures des Le Tellier, 1460”, PECIA, n°24, Brepols, 2022 : 289-333.
“Raoul et son Ethos discours et image d’auteur dans la création littéraire médiévale”, L’auteur dans son œuvre – entre présence et effacement, Harmattan, Paris, 2021 : 280-296.
“Troisième genre infernal, entre utopie terrestre et dystopie infernale”, Redistribution du Genre, University of Rennes, 2020 : 48-66.
“Miracle marial, pilier du livre d’heures de Courtanvaux c.1460”, Les Miracles de Notre-Dame, du Moyen Âge à nos jours, Éditeur Jacques André, Lyon, 2020, 78-93.
“Témoignage par l’exemplum : la construction médiévale d’une sociopoétique infernale.” Revue de Sociopoétique, Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique, Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, Université Clermont Auvergne, Vol Varia 4, 2019.
“Du temps absolu à l’espace universel, le paradigme infernal médiéval, Tondale et Owen,” Pratiques et Conceptions de l’espace au Moyen Âge, Journal Études Médiévales Anglaises, N°94, Dec 2019 : 199-225.
“Du mot à l’image, les Paines denfer du Grand Kalendrier et Composts des Bergiers”, Revue Textimage, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Vol. 16, (2018): 61-88.
“Travels through The Dark Realms of Medieval Clerical Fantasies: Sex & Erotica in the Infernal Testimony”, Comitatus, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 48, (Sept. 2017): 20-47.
“La matière d’Enfer, senefiance syncrétique et polyphonie littéraire”, Matières à débat, la notion dematière littéraire dans la littérature médiévale, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, (Spring 2017): 255-273.
“L’odyssée de Brandain dans l’enfer fictionnel”, French Literature Series, XLI Odysseys, Ed. Jeanne Garane, Editions Brill, (Dec. 2016): 5-20.
“Chaîne de traduction, s’approprier le Tractatus pour translater l’Espurgatoire”, l’évolution de la langue et le traitement des intraduisibles au sein de la recherche, Editions des Archives contemporaines, (Sept. 2016): 45-53.
“le Jeu et le Mot : sémiotique des passages chez Raoul de Houdenc”, In Atelier de Traduction Numéro 23/2015, Editura Universităţii din Suceava, (2015): 177-190.
“Peine et Douleurs, la Définition Sotériologique de l’Au-delà ”, TRANS-n°17, Paris : Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, (2014): 171-182.