Yunah Kae

Assistant Professor

Yunah Kae specializes in English literature and drama of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with particular interests in premodern critical race theory, aesthetics, historical formalism, and the history of comedy. She teaches courses on early modern drama and literature, Shakespeare, and histories of sexuality, gender, race, and colonialism. Her current book project, tentatively titled Racial Poetics: Early Modern Race and the Form of Comedy, explores how literary developments in Renaissance comedy inform early modern constructions of race, and vice versa. Her scholarship is forthcoming in Shakespeare Studies (2022) and Exemplaria, and her research has been supported by the Folger Shakespeare Library. 


PhD English, University of Massachusetts Amherst

MA English Language and Literature, Seoul National University

BA English Language and Literature, Ewha Womans University

Research Interests

Early modern drama, literature, and culture