photo of Kathy Beres Rogers

Kathleen Béres Rogers

Professor and Director of Medical Humanities

Kathleen Béres Rogers is a Professor in the College of Charleston Department of English; she also directs and designed the College's Program in Medical Humanities, is a faculty affiliate with Women's and Gender Studies, and serves as a member of the Women's Health Research Team.  In addition to designing the program in Medical Humanities, Kathy implemented the College's Neurodiversity Initiative, which now functions as a student group.  Her publications range from her 2019 Creating Romantic Obsession: Scorpions in the Mind (Palgrave) to articles in Review of English Studies, Prose Studies, Women's Writing, and Service Learning in Literary Studies. She is currently working on a monograph concerning cognitive disability in Romantic-era narratives.  


Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
M.A., Boston College

Research Interests

  • Disability Studies

Courses Taught

  • English 110/FYE: Rescripting Disability
  • English 202: British Literature since 1800
  • English 509: New Romanticisms
  • English 290: Narratives of Illness

Recent Publications


“Scorpions in the Mind”:  The Romantic Construction of Obsession.  Palgrave, Literature Medicine, and Science Series: June 2019. 


 “Form and Deformity in George Crabbe’s The Borough,Review of English Studies. January 2022.   

“Jane Cave,” solicited for Routledge Companion to Romantic Women Writers, ed. Ann Hawkins.   

 Book review, Hrileena Ghosh, John Keats’s Medical Notebook.  Review of English Studies. February 2021. 

 "The Monstrous Idea in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein,” Literature and Medicine, 36:2, December 2018.