Douglas Walker, Ph.D.

Professor of Economics


Auburn University - Auburn, Alabama
Ph.D., Economics, 1998

Kansas State University - Manhattan, Kansas
B.S., Business Administration, 1993

Research Interests

Economic and social impacts of legalized gambling, public economics, applied microeconomics

Courses Taught

  • ECON 200  Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 310 International Economics
  • ECON 317  Microeconomic Analysis
  • ECON 360  Economics of Gambling
  • ECON 400  Senior Seminar

Selected Publications 

“A Comparison of Clustered and Isolated Casino Performance in Missouri” (2023) with T. Nesbit. UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 27(1): 71-91.

“Did Video Gaming Expansion Boost Municipal Revenues in Illinois?” (2021) with G. Wagner. Southern Economic Journal, 88(2): 649-679.

“The Effect of Casino Proximity on Lottery Sales: Evidence from Maryland” (2017) with W. Cummings and C. Cotti. Contemporary Economic Policy, 35(4): 684-699.

“Setting Win Limits: An Alternative Approach to ‘Responsible Gambling’?” (2015) with S. Litvin, R. Sobel, and R. St-Pierre. Journal of Gambling Studies, 31(3): 965-986.

Honors & Awards

  • Distinguished Research Award for 2008-09, College of Charleston, School of Business and Economics