Anthony Leclerc
Associate Professor
PhD Computer Science, The Ohio State University
MS Computer Science, The Ohio State University
BS Computer Science and Mathematics, Cameron College
Research Interest
Global Optimization, Interval Arithmetic, Automated Decision Making, Adversarial Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Embedded Systems, parallel algorithms and computation
Courses Taught
CSCI 215 - Website Programming
CSCI 220 - Computer Programming I
CSCI 221 - Computer Programming II
CSCI 230 - Data Structures and Algorithms
CSCI 250 - Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
CSCI 300 - Seminar on Computing and Society
CSCI 315 - Server-Side Web Programming
CSCI 320 - Programming Language Concepts
CSCI 340 - Operating Systems
CSCI 350 - Digital Logic and Computer Organization
CSCI 362 - Software Engineering
CSCI 410 - Automata and Formal Languages
CSCI 480 - Principles of Computer Graphics
CSIS 604 - Distributed Computer Systems Architecture
CSIS 612 - Advanced Computer Architecture
CSIS 614 - Advanced Operating Systems
CSIS 616 - Automata Theory
CSIS 618 - Principles of Programming Languages
CSIS 674 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
Selected Publications
Patrick Thor Kahl, Anthony P. Leclerc and Tran Cao Son, A Parallel Memoryefficient Epistemic Logic Program Solver: Harder, Better, Faster, Ann Math Artif Intell, Springer, 2019.
Patrick Thor Kahl and Anthony P. Leclerc, Epistemic Logic Programs with World View Constraints, Technical Communications of the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), OASIcs, Schloss Dagstuhl, 2018.