Jenifer Kopfman, PH.D.
Associate Professor - Department of Communication, Associate Dean - School of Humanities of Social Sciences
Ph.D. Michigan State University
M.A. Michigan State University
B.A. Miami University – majors in Speech Communication and Sociology
Research interests
Dr. Kopfman’s research focuses on health campaigns and designing effective health messages. Prior to working at the College of Charleston, she was a Health Communication Specialist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, creating campaigns to prevent birth defects and developmental disabilities. She also enjoys studying nonverbal communication.
Courses taught
My communication capstone (COMM 480/481) class is a great blend of nonverbal communication and research methods. I also sometimes teach the required comm research methods class (COMM 301) and courses in health communication.
Dr. Kopfman currently serves as the Associate Dean for the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. She also served as chair of the Department of Communication from 2015-2021.