Xi Cui, PH.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Telecommunication and Media Studies, Texas A&M University
M.A., Applied Linguistics, Communication University of China
B.A., Broadcasting Arts, Communication University of China
Research Interests
- Media rituals
- Media and Social Identity
- Social Network Analysis
Work in progress:
Cui, X. Hanfu as therapeutic governance in neo/non-liberal China: A multimodal discourse analysis of Hanfu videos on Bilibili. Under review at Chinese Journal of Communication.
Cui, X., Rui, J., & Liu, Y., The situated influence of individual cultural orientation on online political expression through self-presentational concern. Under review at Communication Quarterly.
Cui, X. (in press). Critical and cultural studies. In S. Zhou & B. Beasley (Eds.) Research methods in communication. Vision Press.
Selected Publications:
Rui, J. & Cui, X. (2022). How technological affordances predict political expression via Quora: Mediated by risk appraisal and moderated by social motivation. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 16(3), Article 10. https://doi.org/10.5817/CP2022-3-10
Cui, X. & Chen, F. (2022). Between the liminal and the normal: How the news constructed the social change of face-covering during the covid-19 pandemic in the united states. International Journal of Communication, 16(2022), 3110-3132.
Chen, F. & Cui, X. (2022). Teaching controversial issues online: Exploring college professors’ risk appraisals and coping strategies in the US. Teaching and Teacher Education, 115, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2022.103728
Cui, X. (2022). Smart Home: Smart Devices and the Everyday Experiences of the Home. In T. Cinque & J. B. Vincent (eds.), Materializing Digital Futures: Touch, Movement, Sound and Vision (pp.249-268). London, UK: Bloomsbury.
Rui, J. R., Cui, X., Xu, Q., & Yu, N. (2021). How public interactions via WeChat moments predict the emotional well-being of Chinese seniors and emerging seniors: The moderating roles of perceived self-network discrepancy and age. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 15(3), https://doi.org/10.5817/CP2021-3-2
Cui, X. & Xu, Q. (2021). Television vs social media: examining the effects of media platforms on audience’s emotion and sense of social solidarity during a media event. Western Journal of Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10570314.2021.1970216.
Rui, J., Cui, X. & Liu, Y. (2020). They are watching me: a self-presentational approach to political expression on Facebook. Mass Communication and Society, http://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2020.1740741
Cui, X. & Xu, Q. (2020). The roles of identity and emotion in media events’ social integration mechanism: a case study of the 2017 U.S. presidential inauguration. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 28(2), 138-152, doi: 10.1080/15456870.2019.1613406.
Cui, X. (2019). Mediatized rituals: Understanding the media in the age of deep mediatization. International Journal of Communication, 13(2019), 4155-4168.
Cui, X. (2019). Identity-based emotional expressions and practices on Twitter: Triangulating multiple contexts of breaking events and mundane communication. In I. Chiluwa & G. Bouvier (eds.), Twitter: Global Perspectives, Uses and Research Techniques, Hersey, PA: IGI International.
Rui, J., Yu, N. Xu, Q. & Cui, X. (2018), Getting connected while aging: the effects of WeChat network characteristics on the well-being of Chinese mature adults, Chinese Journal of Communication, DOI: 10.1080/17544750.2018.1530270
Cui, X. (2018). Emotional contagion or symbolic cognition: A social-identity perspective on media events. Journal of Broadcast & Electronic Media, 62(1), 91-108.
Liu, Y., J. R. Rui, and X. Cui (2017). Are people willing to share their political opinions on Facebook? Exploring roles of self-presentational concern in spiral of silence. Computers in Human Behavior, 76(2017), 294-302.
Cui, X. & Rothenbuhler, E. (2017) Terror as communication: mediatization and ritualization. Television & New Media, 19(2), 155-165.Cui, X. (2017). Deconstructing the bystander: TVmoji as a story-reteller. Chinese Journal of Communication, 11(2), 155-168.
Wallis, C., Cui, X. (2017). “Our media”? Sina Weibo and the elusiveness of voice. In L. Hjorth, H. Horst, A. Galloway, and G. Bell (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography (pp.135-146), Routledge: NY.
Cui, X., J. Rui & F. Su (2016). From immediate community to imagined community: co-viewing of media events. Global Media and China, 1(4), 481-496.
Cui, X., Y. Liu (2016). How does online news curate linked sources: a cross-sectional content analysis. Journalism, 18(7), 852-870.
Cui, X., E. Rothenbuhler (2016). Ritual. In Jensen, K. B. (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ.
Cui, X. (2016). Mobile media event: Social cohesion through IM App. In Poulakidakos, S. & B. Mitu, (Eds.), Media Events: A Critical Contemporary Approach, Palgrave, London, UK., pp. 243-261.
Couldry, N. (2016). Meijie Yishi: Yizhong Pipan de Shijiao [Media Rituals: A Critical Approach], Translated by X. Cui. Renmin University Press.
Cui, X. (2015). How it’s done: cultural and critical studies. In Zhou, S. & WM. Sloan (Eds.) Research Methods in Communication (3rd Ed.), Vision Press, Northport, AL.
Cui, X. (2013). Media events are still alive: The Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics as a media ritual. International Journal of Communication, 7, 1220-1235.
Cui, X. (2012). Discourse on Shanzhai cultural production in Chinese newspapers: authenticity and legitimacy. Chinese Journal of Communication, 5(4), 399-416.
Cui, X. (2010) Social influence on the adoption and uses of social network sites: A case study of www.xiaonei.com. Global Media Journal, 7(1).
Cui, X. (2010) Media representations of news anchors’ professionalism in the US and in China: Comparative case studies of newspaper coverage of Walter Cronkite and Jing Luo. Global Media Journal, 7(2).