Brigit Ferguson
Brigit Ferguson is Instructor of Art History at the College of Charleston. She teaches courses in the History of Architecture as well as Medieval and Early Modern Art. She has published on emotional expressions in medieval sculpture. Current research interests focus on art history pedagogy, especially writing, debate, Universal Design, and equity.
M.A., Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara
A.B. Dartmouth College
Courses Taught
Courses Taught
ARTH 101 History of Art: Ancient to Medieval
ARTH 102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
ARTH 105 Introduction to Architecture
ARTH 225 Medieval Art
ARTH 290 (Special Topic) Art and Race, c. 1300-1800
ARTH 335 American Architecture
ARTH 362 Medieval Manuscript Illumination
ARTH 365 Northern Renaissance Art
“The Living Dead and the Joy of the Crucifixion.” In Picturing Death, 1200-1600, edited by Stephen Perkinson and Noa Turel, 107-128. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2020.
Review of Joan A. Holladay and Susan L. Ward, eds., Gothic Sculpture in America III: The Museums of New York and Pennsylvania. caa.reviews, 2019: http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/3255#.WyqHhBJKiu5
“Gentle Saints, Angry Sinners: Ira, Mansuetudo, and Clementia in a Thirteenth-Century Stoning of St. Stephen.” In Theologisches Wissen und die Kunst, edited by Rebecca Müller, Anselm Rau, and Johanna Scheel, 37-49. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2015
“The Pleasure of Martyrdom.” Mirabilia 18 (2014:1), Special Volume: Pleasure in the Middle Ages: 116-136.