Randolph Hall

Roxane M. DeLaurell, J.D., LLM., Ph.D.

Professor of Business Law


University of Texas at Dallas - Dallas, Texas
Ph.D. (Political Economy) 2000       

George Washington University - Washington D.C
LLM (with honors), 1983

University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Little Rock, Arkansas
J.D, Bowen School of Law, 1979

Courses Taught

Legal Environment of Business
Legal Environment of International Business
Honors Business Law

International Business Law
Commercial Law and Special Topics: Securities Law

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

DeLaurell, Roxane and J. Burbage. 2014. "New Auditor's Models Jeopardize Boardroom Privacy." The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. Spring: 11-16. (PRJ- Applied)

DeLaurell, Roxane. 2012. "The Anti-Counterfeiting and Trafficking Agreement of 2010: Two Problems and One Unanswered Question." The Global Business Law Review, 2: 175-192. (PRJ- Applied)

DeLaurell, Roxane, D. Desplaces, and L. Blockson. 2010. "Competing for New York's Best Lobster Roll: Failed Trade Protection." The CASE Journal. 6 (2): 1-7. (PRJ-Teaching)

DeLaurell, Roxane and R. Rouse. 2010. "Obama's New Antitrust Policy." Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. January/February: 29-32. (PRJ- Applied)

Academic Presentations and Proceedings

Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business., "Et tu, Sous? Lobster Rolls and Copyright Protection," Miami, Fla., November, 2009. (Academic Proceeding- Applied)

Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Ahoy Matey, We're Back: Somali Pirates Revisit the Law of Nations," Charleston, South Caroina, November 2010. (Academic Proceeding- Applied)

Academy of Legal Studies in Business International Conference, "Somali Pirates and the Medellin Decision: International Lawlessness," New Orleans, August, 2011. (Academic Proceeding- Applied)

Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business. "The Anti Counterfeiting and Trafficking Agreement of 2010: Two Problems and One Unanswered Question," Atlanta November, 2011. (Academic Proceeding- Applied)

Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business Conference, Miami, Fla. Presentation, Legal Privileges Surrounding Independent CPA's Tax Accrual Work Papers: Schedule UTP, with Roger Daniels, Miami, November 2012. (Academic Proceeding- Applied)