Irish and Irish American Studies Minor
Learn the culture, history and context of the Irish in Ireland and in the United States.
Our minor is broad-reaching. The program combines cultural, historical and social aspects of the Irish in Ireland and in the U.S. Even if you're not a fan of Bono, you should take a closer look at Irish and Irish-American studies at the College. It just might help you connect in ways you've never considered. Éirinn go Brách!
What will I learn?
Most of our classes are humanities electives. You will learn how to analyze and interpret culture. You'll develop critical thinking and communication skills. For some students, the Irish and Irish American Studies Program is a chance to learn about their own heritage and ethnicity. But whether or not you have Irish ancestors, you’ll study important topics. You'll examine immigration, race and racism and the (sometimes) bloody crossroads where history, anthropology, music, literature and politics meet.
View Curriculum: Irish and Irish American Studies Minor