Undergraduate Students Enrolled by Student Major
Fall 2016 OFFICIAL
Department Selected: BIOL

Level - - Course Selected Major: BIOL
Selected Major: MBIO
Other Majors
Semester Totals
Enroll % of Course SCH Enroll % of Course SCH Enroll % of Course SCH Enroll % of Course SCH Enroll % of Course SCH Enroll SCH Sections Avg Class Size Min Class Size Max Class Size
100-Level BIOL101             135 46.7% 0 152 52.6% 0 2 00.7% 1156 289 1156 4 72.2500 63 76
BIOL102       1 00.6% 0 140 83.8% 668 26 15.6% 0       167 668 3 55.6667 42 80
BIOL111 119 17.1% 0 15 02.2% 0 191 27.5% 0 365 52.6% 0 4 00.6% 2082 694 2082 19 36.5263 11 79
BIOL112 30 16.4% 0 13 07.1% 0 93 50.8% 549 47 25.7% 0       183 549 3 61.0000 38 77
Subtotal 149 11.2% 0 29 02.2% 0 559 41.9% 1217 590 44.3% 0 6 00.5% 3238 1333 4455 29 45.9655 11 80
200-Level BIOL201 26 18.4% 0       100 70.9% 0 8 05.7% 0 7 05.0% 564 141 564 1 14100 141 141
BIOL202 22 15.2% 0       113 77.9% 0 7 04.8% 0 3 02.1% 580 145 580 1 14500 145 145
BIOL204 5 21.7% 0 5 21.7% 0 12 52.2% 69 1 04.3% 0       23 69 1 23.0000 23 23
BIOL211 140 66.0% 0 33 15.6% 0 19 09.0% 848 20 09.4% 0       212 848 11 19.2727 13 21
BIOL211D 140 66.0% 0 33 15.6% 0 19 09.0% 0 20 09.4% 0       212 0 11 19.2727 13 21
Subtotal 333 45.4% 0 71 09.7% 0 263 35.9% 917 56 07.6% 0 10 01.4% 1144 733 2061 25 29.3200 13 145
300-Level BIOL300 16 84.2% 0 2 10.5% 0             1 05.3% 76 19 76 1 19.0000 19 19
BIOL301 8 00.0% 32                         8 32 1 8.0000 8 8
BIOL305 66 72.5% 0 9 09.9% 0 15 16.5% 0       1 01.1% 273 91 273 1 91.0000 91 91
BIOL310 56 68.3% 0 2 02.4% 0 11 13.4% 0 3 03.7% 0 10 12.2% 328 82 328 1 82.0000 82 82
BIOL312 65 79.3% 0 8 09.8% 0 8 09.8% 0       1 01.2% 246 82 246 2 41.0000 39 43
BIOL313 27 93.1% 87 1 03.4% 0 1 03.4% 0             29 87 1 29.0000 29 29
BIOL321 16 84.2% 76 1 05.3% 0 2 10.5% 0             19 76 1 19.0000 19 19
BIOL322 20 95.2% 0             1 04.8% 84       21 84 1 21.0000 21 21
BIOL335 6 18.2% 0 24 72.7% 0 3 09.1% 132             33 132 2 16.5000 14 19
BIOL338 16 80.0% 80 1 05.0% 0 3 15.0% 0             20 80 1 20.0000 20 20
BIOL341 14 51.9% 0 10 37.0% 0 3 11.1% 108             27 108 1 27.0000 27 27
BIOL342 5 21.7% 0 16 69.6% 0 2 08.7% 92             23 92 1 23.0000 23 23
BIOL343 47 81.0% 0 6 10.3% 0 5 08.6% 174             58 174 1 58.0000 58 58
BIOL350 24 85.7% 0 2 07.1% 0 1 03.6% 0 1 03.6% 84       28 84 1 28.0000 28 28
BIOL351 18 81.8% 0       2 09.1% 0 1 04.5% 0 1 04.5% 66 22 66 1 22.0000 22 22
BIOL356 10 90.9% 44 1 09.1% 0                   11 44 1 11.0000 11 11
BIOL396 5 00.0% 15                         5 15 1 5.0000 5 5
Subtotal 419 72.5% 334 83 14.4% 0 56 09.7% 506 6 01.0% 168 14 02.4% 989 578 1997 19 30.4211 5 91
400-Level BIOL406 1 33.3% 9 2 66.7% 0                   3 9 1 3.0000 3 3
BIOL412 2 66.7% 9 1 33.3% 0                   3 9 1 3.0000 3 3
BIOL423 3 60.0% 0                   2 40.0% 20 5 20 1 5.0000 5 5
BIOL444 6 75.0% 32 1 12.5% 0 1 12.5% 0             8 32 1 8.0000 8 8
BIOL446                         1 00.0% 3 1 3 1 1.0000 1 1
BIOL453 5 62.5% 0 1 12.5% 0 2 25.0% 24             8 24 1 8.0000 8 8
Subtotal 17 60.7% 50 5 17.9% 0 3 10.7% 24       3 10.7% 23 28 97 6 4.6667 1 8
Total 918 34.4% 384 188 07.0% 0 881 33.0% 2664 652 24.4% 168 33 01.2% 5394 2672 8610 79 33.8228 1 145

Courses taken by undergraduates only. Independent Instruction courses excluded.
If major chosen does not appear above, then no students enrolled in these courses with that major.